Intensive Care Unit (ICU)

ntensive care units are departments that are located separately from other departments in hospitals and where people in critical condition stay under intensive supervision and treatment.
General Intensive Care

Last Update Date: 9/3/2024 11:28:00 AM

Intensive care units are departments that are located separately from other departments in hospitals and where people in critical condition stay under intensive supervision and treatment. Inpatients here are usually people who are extremely ill or have difficulty maintaining their vital functions. Intensive care units are equipped with these situations in mind and thus they have the capacity to take care of patients in the best way by responding to all their needs instantly.

Which Diseases Do General Intensive Care Units Deal With

Patients who come to intensive care units are in critical condition and need support to maintain their vital functions. Among these people, the following are problems that are often encountered:

  • Organ Failure: Serious problems in organ systems such as heart, lung, kidney.
  • Serious Injury: Conditions arising as a result of a serious accidents, burning or traumatic injuries.
  • Major Surgical Interventions: Especially after complex and long-lasting surgical operations.
  • Severe Infections: Widespread infections such as sepsis.
  • Neurological Problems: Severe brain traumas, stroke or neurological disorders.
  • Organ Transplants: Follow-up and care after organ transplants such as heart, liver, kidney


Liv Hospital Intensive Care

Liv Hospital Intensive Care Unit has modern monitors and monitoring facilities where advanced medical technologies are used. It has 8 special intensive care beds, ventilator, monitor, infusion pump, nutrition pump, portable ventilator, portable X-ray, echocardiography and ultrasonography devices, blood gas device and central oxygen system in its structure with modern medical equipment. With its latest technology methods, our unit is capable of serving mainly cardiovascular patients and postoperative risky patients, dealing with complications, providing supportive treatment and maintenance care.

Liv Hospital General Intensive Care Unit has an equipped structure designed in the form of isolated rooms with one bed. In our unit, a permanent faculty member and an intensive care specialist are present during the day, and a night shift team with specialist doctors at night ensures the continuity of follow-up and treatment of patients. In the Intensive Care Unit, a nurse can provide health care services to a maximum of 2 patients, which increases the quality and safety of patient care. Our goal is to achieve good clinical results in our patients by using up-to-date intensive care approaches and all available organ support systems. For this purpose, hemodiafiltration, hemodialysis, plasmapheresis, liver support systems, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) and similar organ support systems are successfully used in our intensive care unit and positive results are obtained.

Clinical activities are evaluated monthly in Liv Hospital General Intensive Care Unit and the data obtained are compared with the results in the world and national literature. The results of these evaluations also show that we are able to achieve our goals every month.