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Fibromyalgia is a disease that causes long-lasting widespread muscle-joint pain, pain in some sensitive points in the body, fatigue and morning stiffness.

Fibromyalgia is a disease that causes widespread muscle-joint pain lasting longer than 3 months, especially in the back, neck, shoulders and hips, pain in some sensitive points in the body, fatigue, morning stiffness.

Radiofrequency Treatment

In the treatment of fibromyalgia at Liv Hospital Ulus Pain Clinic, radiofrequency treatment applied in pulse mode to painful trigger points aims to eliminate pain by changing the functioning of the nerve causing pain in the trigger point.

Treatment Should Not Be Late

Patients suffering from fibromyalgia experience the most delayed treatment. Fibromyalgia is a disease with an undetermined cause, characterized by widespread body pain and marked pain in the muscles, neck, back, waist, arms, legs and hip joints. These patients complain of sleep disturbances, painful tender points on the body, morning stiffness in the joints, numbness and swelling in the hands and arms.

Blood and imaging tests performed in fibromyalgia patients do not reveal any pathology to explain the pain. For this reason, these findings of most patients are perceived as psychological and tried to be treated accordingly. In fact, the conflict between the soul and the body causes this painful process.

Pain Treatment Should Be Personalized

When approaching patients with pain, it is important to keep in mind that every body and life is different and that pain is therefore individualized. A pain medication or treatment that works for one person may not work the same for another.