Endourology and Stone Diseases
Stone diseases, which are 3 times more common in men than women, are more common in mountainous, desert and tropical regions. Therefore, geography is a factor that affects both the frequency of stone formation and its type. The most common symptom is pain. The pain may be in the kidney or in the groin or lower, depending on the location of the stone in the urinary tract. Sometimes, there may be complaints such as mild muscle pain in the waist and back areas. Anyone who has tried to pass urinary stones knows that this period can be very painful. The cause of the pain is usually the stone blocking the urinary tract. Sudden and near-complete blockage causes severe stone pain.
Endourology and Stone Diseases at Liv Hospital
At Liv Hospital Urology Clinic, regardless of the size of the stone, if the patient cannot pass the stone within a period of 3-4 weeks or if it is determined that the stone is 7-8 mm or more in size when diagnosed, interventional treatments are planned. Stones that do not block the urinary tract, do not cause any discomfort to the patient, and are located in small chambers inside the kidney called the calyx can be monitored for a while; However, the general opinion is that it is better to treat such stones by choosing one of the least risky methods for the patient.
What are the Symptoms of Kidney Stones?
Kidney stones are not only painful;
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- bleeding in urine
- It may also cause symptoms such as sudden deterioration in urination habits.
Among these;
- Frequent urination
- Inability to urinate and relax
- Burning while urinating
- There may be a decrease in urinary fluidity.
There are also cases where kidney stones do not cause any symptoms. Therefore, it is important to have regular health checks to detect stones that do not cause any symptoms.
What Happens If Kidney Stones Are Not Treated?
The presence of stones in the kidney can seriously impair a person's quality of life by causing severe pain or other symptoms. Apart from this, one of the most important risks that untreated stones can cause is kidney infection. In the presence of infection; There may be symptoms such as high fever, chills, and shaking. This condition mostly occurs when the infection affects the kidney. When a kidney infection occurs, it can damage kidney tissue. The emergence of infection can also make stone treatment difficult. Therefore, in the presence of stones, a treatment plan should be made before kidney infection develops. If the stone remains in the kidney or urinary tract for a long time without treatment, another risky situation it may cause is kidney dysfunction. If not treated in time, kidney or urinary tract stones may be encountered, leading to the loss of the entire kidney.