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Developmental Tests Applied to Children

Developmental Tests Applied to Children

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19 August 2024
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  • Denver II
  • Ankara Developmental Screening Inventory (AGTE)
  • Social Communication Area Screening Test (SIATT)
  • Gessel Developmental Figures Test
  • Gilliam Autistic Disorder Rating Scale-2 (GOBDÖ-2)
  • M-CHAT (Modified Early Childhood Autism Screening Scale)
  • Specific Learning Disability Battery
  • Louisa Duss Psychoanalytic Stories Test
  • Beir Sentence Completion Test
  • MOXO Test
  • Burdon Attention Test
  • D2 Attention Test
  • Benton Visual Memory Test
  • Frostig Visual Perception Test
  • Frankfurter Attention Test
  • Projective Children's Drawings
  • Metropolitan School Readiness Test
  • School Readiness Assessment Test (OKHT)
  • CAT
  • Rorschach Test
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Child Development Tests are tools used to assess children's motor, language, cognitive, and social skills, and they cater to various age ranges. These tests are utilized to monitor developmental progress, identify potential delays, and determine appropriate interventions. At Liv Hospital's Pediatric Health Clinic, a range of tests is conducted to track the healthy development of infants and children. Through assessment tests, any developmental delays in children are detected early, which is extremely valuable as it indicates the need for early treatment.

    Denver II

    It is an evaluation tool that provides detailed information about the fine and gross motor development, language skills, personal self-care and social development of babies and children. It is a development test applied to children between the ages of 0-6.

    Ankara Developmental Screening Inventory (AGTE)

    It is an evaluation tool applied to children between the ages of 0-6 that provides in-depth information about the development of babies and children. It takes an average of 30-40 minutes.

    Social Communication Area Screening Test (SIATT)

    It is an effective and practical test that aims to measure the social communication area skills of children between the ages of 6-24 months and interprets their general development, with parental notification.

    Gessel Developmental Figures Test

    It is applied to preschool children between the ages of 3-7. The test is a performance assessment test and allows us to comment on children's motor skills, visual perception, visual motor coordination (hand-eye coordination), small muscle skills and general intelligence development.

    Gilliam Autistic Disorder Rating Scale-2 (GOBDÖ-2)

    A rating scale that aims to evaluate individuals between the ages of 3-23 who exhibit behaviors that characterize autistic disorder.

    M-CHAT (Modified Early Childhood Autism Screening Scale)

    A screening scale developed to detect symptoms of autism in children between the ages of 8-36 months.

    Specific Learning Disability Battery

    It focuses on the performance of children between the 1st and 5th grades in reading, questioning the relationship of priority and posteriority, math skills and visual memory scanning, and reveals what the child is good at and what he is bad at, and provides information about lateralization skills.

    Louisa Duss Psychoanalytic Stories Test

    A projective test applied to children between the ages of 3-12. This test is one of the advanced techniques prepared to solve and understand children's problems.

    Beir Sentence Completion Test

    It is a projective test that provides information about the feelings, thoughts, behaviors, self and environmental perception that individuals over the age of 8 cannot share.

    MOXO Test

    It is a latest generation Neuro-Congitive test developed for children between the ages of 6-12 and adults between the ages of 13-65, and includes visual and auditory distractors performed via computer. It provides objective measurement of the four main symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder; attention deficit, timing problem, impulsivity and hyperactivity.

    Burdon Attention Test

    It is a test applied to individuals between the ages of 10-20 in order to measure their attention power and capacity. It is performed to identify individuals with attention deficit problems.

    D2 Attention Test

    A test that measures the attention level and how much attention individuals between the ages of 9-60 can maintain, how they can use time and the speed of work during the performance process.

    Benton Visual Memory Test

    The visual spatial memory of individuals aged 8 and over is measured, and it evaluates visual perception and motor skills.

    Frostig Visual Perception Test

    Measures the child's ability to recognize, distinguish and interpret visual stimuli with previous experiences. It supports the discovery of visual perception problems underlying reading, writing and arithmetic skills. It is applied to children aged 4-8.

    Frankfurter Attention Test

    It is applied to evaluate the attention skills of children aged 5-7.

    Projective Children's Drawings

    Drawing tests that provide information about how children and young people perceive themselves, their feelings and thoughts, their designs related to their families and their surroundings.

    Metropolitan School Readiness Test

    A test that measures whether children are ready for school. The purpose of the test is to test the extent to which children understand sentences, words and expressions, and to measure reading and numerical maturity.

    School Readiness Assessment Test (OKHT)

    Evaluates the basic knowledge and skills of children aged 5-6 who have difficulty in kindergarten and are hesitant to start primary school


    It is done to understand the psychological and emotional states of children aged 3-10. The child's reactions are recorded on 10 cards consisting of various animal figures and inferences are made about the child's personality structure.

    Rorschach Test

    It is an ink test consisting of 10 cards that provides in-depth information about the child and young person's personality dynamics, emotional and behavioral reflections, how appropriate their psychological structures are for their age period, what their unique conflicts are and what defense methods they use to cope with these conflicts.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Questions frequently asked about developmental tests administered to children generally relate to the purpose, appropriateness, and administration of the tests.

    What is the Purpose of Developmental Tests?

    Developmental tests are used to assess children’s motor, language, cognitive, and social skills and to detect developmental delays or disorders at an early stage. These tests also help identify the child's strengths and areas for development.

    How Are Developmental Tests Administered?

    Tests are usually administered by a psychologist or educator in a structured environment. Children are assessed through various tasks and questions. Some tests may require observation, while others may involve verbal or written responses.

    How Are Test Results Evaluated?

    Test results are evaluated by comparing them with age- and developmentally-appropriate norms. This evaluation determines the child’s overall developmental level, identifies strengths and weaknesses, and provides recommendations for intervention if needed.

    * Liv Hospital Editorial Board has contributed to the publication of this content .
    * Contents of this page is for informational purposes only. Please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment. The content of this page does not include information on medicinal health care at Liv Hospital .
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