Current Techniques

Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) has an important place among the current techniques used in in vitro fertilization treatment. PGT enables the detection of genetic diseases and selection of healthy embryos by genetic analysis of embryos. Additionally, techniques such as egg freezing (oocyte cryopreservation) and microinjection (ICSI) are modern practices that are widely used to increase the chances of success in in vitro fertilization treatment and provide solutions to various reproductive health problems.
Current In Vitro Fertilization Techniques at Liv Hospital
Liv Hospital offers modern healthcare services to its patients using the most up-to-date and advanced techniques in in vitro fertilization treatment. State-of-the-art methods such as Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) for embryo selection, egg freezing (oocyte cryopreservation) and microinjection (ICSI) for sperm selection are applied to increase treatment success. These techniques are used by Liv Hospital's reproductive health experts to provide personalized and effective in vitro fertilization treatment tailored to patients' individual needs.
Assisted Hatching
It is the process of shaving and thinning the membrane surrounding the embryo to be transferred in order to make it easier for it to attach to the inner wall of the uterus. Implantation; In other words, it is thought that it can sometimes increase the adhesion rate.
PGD (Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis)
It is the process of identifying abnormal or disease-bearing embryos by biopsying the embryos on the third or fifth day of embryo development, and transferring the double normal embryos. It is applied for reasons such as couples who are carriers of a known genetic disease, recurrent miscarriages, recurrent in vitro fertilization failure, determination of the appropriate tissue type embryo (HLA Determination) for the treatment of a sibling with blood disease, and advanced female age. Thanks to this process, it is aimed to increase the live birth rate by transferring embryos with healthy chromosome structure.
Sperm Selection by IMSI and Double Refraction Method
In in vitro fertilization procedures, from the thousands to millions of sperm cells in the semen sample taken from the man, only the number of mature eggs obtained is selected and used. This choice is usually based solely on the embryologist's experience. In the IMSI method, a more clear evaluation of the sperm structure is provided by providing greater image magnification than the classical microscopes used. Thus, better, higher quality sperm selection is ensured. This method can help in the selection of better quality sperm in cases of severe male infertility, unexplained in vitro fertilization failures and poor quality embryo production.
In hysteroscopy, which is the process of accessing the uterus through the vagina and imaging it with a lighted camera system, problems such as structural defects of the uterus (curtain, double uterus), myomas, polyps, adhesions (synechia) can be detected and treated at the same time. If the problem detected before the in vitro fertilization procedure originates from the uterus or if recurrent in vitro fertilization failure is diagnosed, hysteroscopy may increase the success of pregnancy.
Laparoscopy is the process of imaging the inside of the abdomen with a lighted camera system. Generally, surgical treatment of ovarian cysts, removal of adhesions due to previous surgeries, surgical treatment of myomas located outside the uterus, and evaluation of the tubes are performed with this method. In fact, almost all open surgeries can now be performed via laparoscopy. It is known that in the case of "hydrosalpinx", where the tubes are filled with fluid, which can negatively affect the success of in vitro fertilization, removing the tubes via laparoscopic method can increase the success of pregnancy.
Embryo Freezing, Storage and Thawing
Embryos can be frozen with special methods at any time between the second and fifth day of their development and then stored in liquid nitrogen at -196 degrees. The embryos that remain after embryo transfer and are of good quality are frozen to be used later for sibling wishes or in case of treatment failure.
Treatment with Modern Methods
In in vitro fertilization treatment, the condition in which the ovaries grow by responding excessively to the drugs used and fluid accumulation in the body of the expectant mother is called "Ovarian Hyperstimulation" in short, OHSS. In modern in vitro fertilization treatments, there are special drug treatment protocols for such risky patients. In addition, in order to prevent OHSS, all embryos are frozen and stored for later transfer. Freezing and thawing embryos using modern methods reduces the risk of this problem to zero without affecting embryo quality.