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What is Cellular Rejuvenation? Cellular Rejuvenation Treatment

What is Cellular Rejuvenation? Cellular Rejuvenation Treatment

Article Content
  • What is Cellular Rejuvenation?
  • The Cellular Rejuvenation Process
  • Strong Anti-Aging Effect
  • What is Cellular Aging?
  • What Do Exosomes Do in the Body?
  • Cellular Rejuvenation Program at Liv Hospital
  • Cellular Rejuvenation Package
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Cellular rejuvenation is the process by which aged or damaged cells regain their function and return to a younger and healthier state. This process aims to reverse cellular aging and make cells functional again. Stem cells obtained from newborn umbilical cord tissue are considered one of the most important discoveries of recent times. Exosomes, which are especially vital for tissue repair, give very successful results in slowing down aging.

    What is Cellular Rejuvenation?

    Cellular rejuvenation is the process of restoring the function of aged or damaged cells to a more youthful and healthy state. This process aims to reverse cellular aging and make cells functional again. To explain the concept of cellular rejuvenation in more detail: Our cells gradually lose their ability to divide, become damaged, and fail to perform their functions properly over time. This results in changes observed as aging in our bodies. Cellular rejuvenation involves interventions aimed at reversing this process, i.e., converting or renewing aged or damaged cells into young and healthy cells.

    The Cellular Rejuvenation Process

    The fundamental mechanisms of cellular rejuvenation include telomere elongation, DNA repair and renewal, epigenetic modifications, mitosis and cell division stimulation, maintenance of proteostasis, and mitophagy. Lengthening telomeres allows cells to divide more, while DNA repair and renewal preserve genetic material integrity. Epigenetic modifications reverse age-related changes in gene expression, and mitosis and cell division processes support cell rejuvenation. Proteostasis ensures proteins remain functional, and mitophagy cleans and renews damaged organelles, thus enhancing cell health and functionality.

    Strong Anti-Aging Effect

    Questions like “Will aging stop?”, “What is the secret to a long and healthy life?”, and “Is it possible to stay forever young?” are now on everyone’s lips. Regardless of gender, people today want to halt aging and maintain a youthful and healthy body, mind, and spirit. Unfortunately, as we age, the marks of time become evident both physically and mentally. As age advances, tissue repair in the body also slows down. For about 20 years, exosomes derived from cellular treatments have been known for their powerful anti-aging effects. Exosomes, used in everything from skin rejuvenation to wound healing and spinal cord injury treatment, now offer the formula for youth.

    What is Cellular Aging?

    No disease appears suddenly; cellular degradation occurs over months or even years without disrupting the function of the relevant organ. To prevent future diseases, cellular health must be maintained through a healthy lifestyle, nutrition, and supplements.

    • The World Health Organization classifies ages as follows: 45-59 years as middle age, 60-74 years as elderly, 75-89 years as senility, and 90 years and older as advanced old age. Biological aging occurs as gradual damage accumulates in various cells and tissues in the body.
    • It differs from chronological age, which is determined by a series of factors other than the day of birth. Cellular aging involves processes such as DNA damage, telomere shortening, and stress. Stem cell renewal is a natural force that helps maintain youthfulness.
    • It replaces aging or damaged cells with new and healthy ones. This continuous renewal process not only keeps the body vibrant and youthful but also slows down the aging process and maintains overall health.

    What Do Exosomes Do in the Body?

    Exosomes are natural vesicles released by cells into the extracellular environment, ranging from 50-200 nanometers in size. They act as a type of communication network in the body. They play an essential role in signaling between cells, material transport, activating the immune system, and, most importantly, healing damaged tissues.

    Effects on Skin Rejuvenation

    Exosomes are used in treating skin problems like wrinkles, pigmentation, and dullness that come with aging. They become active in the applied areas, starting collagen and elastin production, and restoring the damaged protein structure of the skin. They show strong anti-aging activity, with tissue-rejuvenating and skin-strengthening effects. They help restore lost skin elasticity and strength and support cellular regeneration to recover features lost due to aging.

    How Are Exosomes Produced?

    The production of exosomes is a complex and sensitive process requiring specialized laboratory conditions. Mesenchymal stem cells from the umbilical cord are cultured in cGMP (current Good Manufacturing Practices) laboratories. Once the cells reach a sufficient number, they are subjected to stress through various methods to produce exosomes. The resulting exosomes undergo purification processes to become the final product and are stored as a sterile suspension in a cold chain.

    The effects and immune responses should be monitored individually and applied only in reputable centers. Exosomes produced in LivMedCell Regenerative Medicine Stem Cell Center’s cGMP-approved laboratories are tested through 10 different quality and characterization tests before application.

    Areas of Application

    • Acute Lung Injury
    • Skin Rejuvenation
    • Pigmentation Treatment
    • Graft vs Host Disease (GvHD)
    • Hair Loss
    • Spinal Cord Injury
    • Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
    • Regulation of T and B Cells
    • Wound Healing
    • Photoaging
    • Atopic Dermatitis (AD)
    • Osteoarthritis (OA)

    Advantages of the Treatment

    • Exosomes affect targeted cells through signaling and biomolecule contents.
    • Their fine membrane allows them to be easily transported to various tissues and organs.
    • They accelerate tissue repair and promote healing.
    • With a size range of 50 to 200 micrometers, they can easily cross the blood-brain barrier.

    Cellular Rejuvenation Program at Liv Hospital

    The “HEALTHY REJUVENATION” or Longevity program at Liv Hospital aims for physical, mental, and emotional youthfulness. It seeks to slow down the aging process, enhance quality of life, and extend lifespan. The Longevity program helps prevent diseases by offering personalized treatments based on detailed blood tests to identify the patient's needs. Replenishment therapies are applied according to the results.

    Cellular Rejuvenation Package

    • Comprehensive Check-up
    • Exosome Application
    • 1-2-3 Sessions (administered IV every 5 days for 15 days)
    • Manual Therapies
    • Special Diet Programs
    • Accommodation in Istanbul (including Bosphorus tour and Basilica Cistern)

    Frequently Asked Questions

    People considering cellular rejuvenation treatments often have questions about the process and its aftermath.

    Lifestyle Changes for Cellular Rejuvenation

    Cellular rejuvenation can be supported not only by medical interventions but also by lifestyle changes. A healthy lifestyle helps cells stay youthful and healthy for a longer period. Here are some lifestyle changes that support cellular rejuvenation:

    • Balanced and Nutritious Diet: A diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals can reduce cellular damage and support rejuvenation. Focus on fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats (e.g., olive oil, avocado), and protein sources (e.g., fish, legumes).
    • Regular Exercise: Physical activity supports cell health, improves metabolism, and slows down the aging process. A regular exercise program including cardio, strength training, and stretching is recommended.
    • Adequate Sleep: Quality sleep is critical for cellular repair and renewal. Adults are generally advised to get 7-9 hours of sleep.
    • Stress Management: Chronic stress can accelerate cellular aging. Techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, yoga, and other relaxation methods can help manage stress.
    • Avoid Smoking and Excessive Alcohol: Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can increase cellular damage and speed up aging. Avoiding or reducing these habits supports cellular rejuvenation.
    • Adequate Water Intake: Drinking enough water supports cell health and the elimination of toxins. While daily water needs vary, drinking around 8 glasses of water is generally recommended.
    • Mental and Social Activity: Mental stimulation and social interactions can enhance brain health and overall quality of life. Activities such as solving puzzles, learning new skills, and maintaining social relationships can reduce aging effects.
    • Health Check-ups and Preventive Care: Regular health check-ups and early detection of potential health issues contribute to overall health and cellular rejuvenation.
    * Liv Hospital Editorial Board has contributed to the publication of this content .
    * Contents of this page is for informational purposes only. Please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment. The content of this page does not include information on medicinal health care at Liv Hospital .
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