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Breast Cancer Risk Prevention

Breast Cancer Risk Prevention

Risk prevention in breast cancer involves individuals' efforts to reduce their risk of cancer by making lifestyle changes and participating in regular screening programs. 
Breast Cancer Risk Prevention

There are some factors that increase the risk of breast cancer. However, having many risk factors does not mean that a woman will develop breast cancer, and having no risk factors does not mean that cancer will not develop.

Risk prevention in breast cancer involves individuals' efforts to reduce their risk of cancer by making lifestyle changes and participating in regular screening programs. Preventive steps such as eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and limiting smoking and alcohol use can help minimize the risk of breast cancer. In addition, genetic counseling and genetic tests play an important role in determining risk and taking preventive measures in individuals with genetic predisposition.

Breast Cancer Risk Prevention at Liv Hospital


People who apply to our hospital for breast cancer risk assessment are first given a physical examination by General Surgery Specialists who specialize in breast diseases, and all parameters related to the person's breast cancer risk are evaluated. Patients are then directed to a Radiologist who specializes in breast diseases for the necessary radiological examinations. Depending on the patient's complaints, blood tests may be performed if necessary. Following the radiological results, the patient is directed to further examinations if necessary, and if further examination is not required, the necessary treatment is arranged.

Following these procedures, the person's risk profile is determined and necessary recommendations are made. If it is assessed that the person may have a genetic risk, genetic testing is recommended. Detailed information on this subject can be found in the Breast Cancer Genetic Screening Program.

Which Physicians and Clinics are Collaborated with?


General Surgery Specialists who specialize in breast diseases work in collaboration with Radiology, Genetics, Microbiology, Endocrinology and Pathology Specialists.