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Benefits of a Check-Up

Benefits of a Check-Up

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Liv Hospital Ulus
Spec. MD. Yavuz Öztürker
Internal Diseases
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02 February 2023
Article Content
  • What are the benefits of a check-up?
  • What is a Check-Up?
  • How Often Should a Check-Up Be Done?
  • What are the Benefits of a Check-Up?
  • What Can be Examined in a Check-Up?
  • What is Women's Check-Up?
  • Men's Check-Up
  • Before Entering Check-Up
  • Check-Up Procedure
  • Check-Up at What Age?
  • Check-Up Prices
  • What are the benefits of a check-up?

    A check-up is a series of medical screening tests conducted to assess individuals' health status and risk factors. Check-ups can be personalized based on factors such as age, gender, medical history, and other relevant criteria. Screening tests typically include various examinations such as a comprehensive physical exam, blood tests, urine tests, and some imaging tests. In addition to monitoring your health status, a check-up can also provide information and advice on making healthy lifestyle choices. The prices for check-ups may vary depending on the specified factors.

    What is a Check-Up?

    The term check-up refers to a comprehensive health screening package involving various medical examinations and tests. Even if individuals have no complaints, check-ups involve health checks based on predetermined factors. This method can prevent potential diseases or, if a disease is present, it can prevent its progression through early diagnosis and treatment. Check-ups provide an opportunity for early diagnosis and preventive treatment to help individuals stay healthy.

    What are the Benefits of a Check-Up?

    Preventing an existing illness is an easier process than treating it. One of the most significant benefits of the check-up method is undoubtedly its ability to prevent a potential illness. Taking precautions against some risky situations can prevent complications that an individual may experience in the future, ensuring a healthy and comfortable life. Therefore, check-ups, which enable detailed health checks, should be performed regularly. Regular check-ups allow for the assessment of risk factors and the modification of unhealthy lifestyle habits. Additionally, your doctor can provide you with recommendations for a healthy lifestyle.

    What is Included in a Check-Up?

    A check-up is a personalized method. The most important factors affecting the scope of these procedures are the individual's age and gender. For example, a check-up for a middle-aged man who smokes may differ from a check-up for a young non-smoking woman. Before undergoing a check-up, you can consult with your doctor to learn about the benefits of regular check-ups, how often they should be done, and how to prepare for the procedure.

    How Often Should a Check-Up Be Done?

    The frequency of check-up procedures can be determined by considering factors such as the individual's age, gender, current health status, genetic predispositions, and environmental factors. There is no clear guideline on how often check-ups should be performed, and the tests and medical evaluations to be conducted may vary based on the individual's medical history and risk factors. The frequency of this procedure can vary depending on the opinions of healthcare professionals. However, generally, the frequency of check-ups is recommended as follows:

    • Every 3 years for individuals under 50 years old if they have no health problems
    • Annually starting from the age of 50

    In addition to the above points, check-ups may be performed more frequently or at wider intervals based on screening results and medical evaluations. Individuals with chronic conditions such as COPD or diabetes may undergo this procedure more frequently based on their doctor's recommendation.

    What are the Benefits of a Check-Up?

    Regular check-up procedures at regular intervals can offer numerous health benefits, including preventive and protective advantages. Early detection of life-threatening diseases such as cancer can ensure that these conditions are treated before they progress. Generally, the benefits of check-ups can be listed as follows:

    • Preventing certain identified health issues from developing into potential diseases
    • Allowing for regular monitoring of some symptomatic conditions to prevent complications
    • Utilizing current approaches to new screening tests or vaccines
    • Preventing further treatment expenses through the early detection of some serious illnesses
    • Making health improvements for a healthier and longer life

    What Factors Determine a Check-Up?

    When creating a check-up plan, previous check-up data and the individual's current health status are evaluated. Generally, the factors that determine the check-up procedure can be listed as follows:

    • Medical history data
    • Family medical history for genetic predispositions
    • Medications used
    • Allergy status
    • Vaccinations received or treatments undergone

    What Can be Examined in a Check-Up?

    Check-ups can help prevent and detect many different diseases. Some of the conditions examined in a check-up, regardless of gender, include the following:

    • High blood pressure
    • Heart disease
    • Type 2 diabetes
    • Obesity
    • Depression
    • HIV screening for high-risk individuals aged 15-65
    • Hepatitis C for those born between 1945 and 1965
    • Lung cancer screening for individuals aged 55-80 who smoke In addition to the above, check-ups can be individually planned for women and men, focusing on gender-specific health concerns.

    What is Women's Check-Up?

    With screening tests specifically for women, the following can be examined:

    • Breast cancer in women aged 50-74
    • Cervical cancer in women aged 21-65
    • High cholesterol from the age of 45
    • Osteoporosis for women aged 65 and older

    Men's Check-Up

    Some of the diseases identified in screenings specifically for men include the following:

    • Aortic aneurysm in men aged 65-75
    • Prostate cancer screening starting from the age of 50
    • High cholesterol from the age of 35

    Before Entering Check-Up

    Before undergoing a check-up, it's essential to first consult a healthcare facility that offers this service. After discussing with relevant healthcare professionals, a check-up appointment is scheduled. Some of the requirements before starting check-up procedures include:

    • Avoiding eating the night before blood tests
    • Refraining from drinking water at least 12 hours before
    • Discontinuing routine medications under the doctor's supervision a few days in advance
    • Compiling a list of medications or dietary supplements being used
    • Avoiding exercise 12 hours before
    • Having past prescriptions, medication reports, and radiological images ready

    Check-Up Procedure

    Check-up typically proceeds as follows:

    • Examination for any unusual growths or signs on the body
    • Abdominal examination to assess the position, size, and tenderness of internal organs
    • Auscultation of the heart, lungs, and intestines with a stethoscope
    • Percussion test to detect any abnormal fluid in areas where it shouldn't be
    • Measurement of height and weight
    • Measurement of blood pressure and pulse rate
    • Blood sugar measurement
    • Measurement of cholesterol and triglycerides

    Check-Up at What Age?

    Check-ups are generally recommended for individuals of certain ages or with specific risk factors. The recommended age for check-ups can vary depending on factors such as gender, family history, lifestyle, and medical history. For example, individuals over the age of 30, especially those with a family history of heart disease, diabetes, or cancer, are advised to undergo check-ups. Additionally, individuals with certain risk factors such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity, smoking, stress, and sedentary lifestyle may benefit from check-ups regardless of age.

    Check-Up Prices

    Check-Up Prices in 2023

    Since check-ups are personalized for each individual, it's necessary to consult with the relevant doctor for price information. The prices for check-ups can vary depending on factors such as the content of the package, the number of tests and examinations to be conducted, the location of the hospital and doctor, the equipment used, and whether it is covered by health insurance. Therefore, it's not possible to provide an exact figure for check-up prices. It's recommended to contact healthcare facilities that offer check-up services to inquire about package prices. Undergoing a check-up can help you gain insight into your health status and improve your quality of life. For this purpose, you can also contact Liv Hospital, where check-up services are provided.

    * Liv Hospital Editorial Board has contributed to the publication of this content .
    * Contents of this page is for informational purposes only. Please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment. The content of this page does not include information on medicinal health care at Liv Hospital .
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