Balance Clinic

A balance clinic is a healthcare unit that provides diagnosis and treatment services regarding patients' balance and coordination problems. These clinics often include specialists such as otoneurologists, neurologists, physical therapists, and audiologists. It is one of the places where patients apply with symptoms such as dizziness, dizziness and loss of balance. Balance clinics evaluate the harmony of the vestibular system (the inner ear where the balance organs are located), the visual system and the proprioceptive (body position perception) systems and provide appropriate treatment plans to the patients.
Liv Hospital Balance Clinic
At Liv Hospital Balance Clinic; The person's quality of life is improved by treating dizziness and balance. Especially if you feel like "I'm losing my balance, I'm going to fall," you should see a doctor immediately. Dizziness and imbalance are two different things. The imbalance is not treated with medication or surgery. Balance exercises are of great importance in the treatment of these patients. Liv Hospital can perform both diagnosis and treatment with the Dynamic Posturography system, which is rare in Turkey. Once it is determined which of the systems that provide balance is malfunctioning, the exercises that need to be done to strengthen the problematic systems can be performed on the device.
What is a Balance Problem?
Dizziness and balance problems are often confused. There should be a feeling of movement in dizziness. There are different systems in the body that ensure balance. One or more of these may be affected. It is determined which one is affected and treatment planning is made accordingly. In dizziness, the surroundings spin non-stop. When there is a balance problem, there is a slight feeling of staggering and wobbling while walking. The feeling of "I'm losing my balance, I'm going to fall" is experienced.
What Causes Balance Problem Disease?
Dizziness is one of the most common ailments for which people consult a doctor. The person constantly feels dizzy. Those who have balance problems may fall and injure a side or hit something. Especially in the elderly, there may be greater problems with falls. The patient who complains of dizziness should consult a doctor as soon as possible.
How to Understand Balance Disorder?
In the patient who presents with complaints of dizziness or imbalance, first a complete ear, nose and throat examination is performed. Tests such as hearing test, videonystagmography, VEMP and dynamic posturography are used in differential diagnosis. Thus, the cause of dizziness and imbalance is determined and the treatment method is determined.
What is Dynamic Posturography?
All tests used to evaluate imbalance and dizziness are performed at Liv Hospital Balance Clinic. Among these, computerized dynamic posturography is used in both diagnosis and treatment. It is determined which of the systems that provide balance is malfunctioning and a diagnosis is made. Thus, the cause of the balance problem is determined. After the diagnosis, the exercises that need to be done to strengthen the problematic systems are performed on the device.
What Causes Dizziness?
There can be many causes of dizziness. But the most common causes are inner ear diseases.
What is Selim Positional Vertigo?
Benign Positional Vertigo occurs because the crystal particles that provide balance in the inner ear break off and escape into the semicircular canal. This disease manifests itself with dizziness when turning from right to left and from left to right while lying down. It causes severe but short-lived dizziness. Maneuvers performed by placing the head in different positions are used in the diagnosis and treatment of this disease. In this way, it is possible to diagnose and treat the disease within 2-3 minutes.
What are the causes of Meniere's Disease?
Meniere's Disease occurs when the amount of inner ear fluid increases. Although the cause of the disease is unknown, it is known that excessive salt consumption, stress and hormonal disorders trigger dizziness attacks.
What are the Symptoms of Meniere's Disease?
- Dizziness
- Ringing
- Feeling of pressure in the ear
- Discomfort from loud sounds
- Hearing loss
What is the Treatment for Meniere's Disease?
In treatment, vasodilator and diuretic drugs are primarily used. Surgical intervention is performed on people whose attacks do not stop with drug treatment.
What Causes Balance Problems?
- The reasons underlying the balance problem are as follows:
- Previous inner ear diseases
- Neurological problems
- Diabetes
- Vitamin deficiencies
- Visual disturbances
What is Imbalance Treatment?
At Liv Hospital Balance Clinic, imbalance problems can be treated with medication or surgery. Balance exercises are a priority to determine the cause of the imbalance. With the help of dynamic posturography, it is necessary to determine which of the deep sensory, vision and inner ear systems causes the imbalance. As a result, treatment is applied with appropriate balance exercises.