Asst. Prof. MD. Umut Esen
Asst. Prof. MD. Umut Esen
Asst. Prof. MD.

Umut Esen

İSÜ Liv Hospital Bahçeşehir
Family Medicine
Areas of Interests
    • Preventive Medicine and Check Up
    • Adolescent Health
    • Obesity
    • Diabetes
    • Tobacco Addiction and Smoking Cessation
    • Aesthetics and Anti-Aging
    • Pain and Beauty Mesotherapy
    • Ozone Therapy
    • Cupping Therapy

  • Antalya Science High School
  • Inonu University Faculty of Medicine
  • Akdeniz University Faculty of Medicine
  • Istanbul University / Health Institutions Management
  • Speciality Education: Istanbul Ümraniye Training and Research Hospital / Family Medicine



  • Eğirdir Physical Therapy Rehabilitation and Bone Hospital / General Practitioner
  • Istanbul Ümraniye Training and Research Hospital / Speciality Training
  • Istanbul Başakşehir Çam and Sakura City Hospital / Specialist Physician
  • Tekirdag Kapaklı District State Hospital / Specialist Physician
  • Tekirdag Marmaraereglisi District State Hospital / Specialist Physician
  • 2021 - São Paulo Medical Journal, May 28, 2021;139(3):279-284. DOI: 10.1590/1516-3180.2020.0457.R1.04022021. Ecollection. Relationship Between Vitamin D Levels and Deep Vein Thrombosis of the Lower Extremities: A Case-Control Study
  • 2021 - São Paulo Medical Journal, May 28, 2021;139(3):279-284. DOI: 10.1590/1516-3180.2020.0457.R1.04022021. Ecollection. Relationship Between Vitamin D Levels and Deep Vein Thrombosis of the Lower Extremities: A Case-Control Study
  • 2020 - Family Medicine Thesis-, Prevalence and Awareness of Diabetes Risk Factors in Adolescents.
  • January 17, 2019 - 13th Turkey Family Medicine Foundation (TAHEV) Autumn School- Oral Presentation- Deep Vein Thrombosis and Vitamin D Level: A Case-Control Study
  • February 28, 2019 - Ümraniye Pediatric Rare Diseases Awareness Symposium (Upnam)- Oral Presentation- Chaple Disease: A Case Presentation
  • May 14, 2018 - 6th Family Medicine Assistant Meeting- Oral Presentation- How Should an Ideal Family Medicine Clinic be with the Approach of Assistants?
  • May 10-13, 2018 - 17th International Eastern Mediterranean Family Medicine Congress- Oral Presentation- Evaluation of the Relationship Between Emergency Severity Index and Nutritional Status in Emergency Room Admission
  • March 21-25, 2018 - 7th International Thrace Family Medicine Congress- Poster Presentation- Abuse or Autoimmune Bullous Disorder? - A Clinical Case
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