Asst. Prof. MD. Tansu Altıntaş
Asst. Prof. MD. Tansu Altıntaş
Asst. Prof. MD.

Tansu Altıntaş

İSÜ Liv Hospital Bahçeşehir
General Surgery
Areas of Interests
    • Breast Cancer Surgery (Oncoplastic breast surgery - Breast reduction surgery)
    • Thyroid and Parathyroid Surgery
    • Gallbladder, Liver, Pancreas Diseases and Surgery (Laparoscopic/Open)
    • Abdominal / Inguinal Hernia Surgeries (Laparoscopic/Open)
    • Colon Cancer Surgery
    • Stomach Cancer Surgery
    • Proctology (Haemorrhoids - Anal Fistula - Anal Fissure - Anal Fissure - Incision)
  • Izmir Girls High School
  • Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Medicine 1999/2006 Izmir
  • Specialty Education: Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Medicine, Department of General Surgery 2006/2011 Izmir
  • Hatay Hassa State Hospital 2011/2013
  • Private Avicenna Hospital 2013/2014
  • Private Gaziosmanpaşa Hospital 2014/2015
  • Istanbul Kanuni Sultan Süleyman Training and Research Hospital 2015/2022
  • T. Altıntaş, N B Dodur Önalan, Mehmet Celal Kızılkaya, Nermin Gündüz, Mehmet Abdussamet Bozkurt. Effect of Hypertermic Chemoterapy on Topical Hemostatic Agents. Acta Chirurgica Belgica,2021
  • M.U. Kalaycı, T. Altıntaş. Can Early ‘Shallow’ Needle-Knife Papillotomy be the First Choice in ERCP. Surgical laparoscopy, endoscopy & percutaneous techniques 30(2),180-182,2020
  • E. Dirican, M.Velidedeoğlu, S. Ilvan, T.Öztürk, T.Altıntas, E.B. Aynı, A. Ilvan. Identification of PIK3CA aberrations associated with telomere length in breast cancer. Gene Reports 19, 100597
  • T.Egeli A.İ.Sevinç, S.Bora, M.C.Yakut, T.Cevizci(Altıntaş), T.Canda, A.Şişman, Microporus  Polysaccharide Hemospheres and Seroma Formaiton After Mastectomy and Axillary  Dissection in Rats. Balkan jounal of Medical Genetics,2012 June ;29(2):179-83
  • T.Altıntaş, İ.Ş.Sarıcı, M.U.Kalaycı, An Association Between Transmesenteric Internal Hernia and Abdominal Cocoon  Syndorme:A Case Report.Int J Surg Case Rep,2017;30:194-196.
  • T.Altıntaş, İ.Ş.Sarıcı, M.U.Kalaycı, The Effects of Intraperitoneal N-Acetylcycteine on Intra-Abdominal Adhesion  formation in Rats.Chirurgia,2017;DOI:10.23736/S0394-9508.17.04715-5
  • N. C. Arslan, G. Atasoy, T. Altintas, C. Terzi. Effect of triclosan-coated sutures on surgical site infections in pilonidal disease: prospective randomized study. International journal of colorectal disease 33 (10), 1445-1452
  • N. Arslan, C. Terzi, G. Atasoy, T. Altintas, A. Sirin, M. Haciyanli, A. Canda.Effect of triclosan coated sutures on surgical site infection rate in pilonidal sinus disease: single-blinded randomized trial. Diseases of The Colon & Rectum 57 (5), E255-E255
  • H.Goksever Celik, T. Karacan, C.Kaya, M. Uhri, A.  Savkli, P.Yalcin Bahat, T.  Altintas, T.Usta, I. Polat, H.Gorgen, E. Oral. Abdominal wall endometriosis: A monocentric continuous series and review of the literature. Journal of Endometriosis and Pelvic Pain Disorders 11 (2), 95-101
  • E. Somuncu, İ.Ş. Sarıcı, M.C. Kızılkaya, Y.Kara,T. Sarıgöz, Y. Sevim, T.Altıntaş. Different Approaches In Diagnosis, Follow-Up And Treatment Of Acute Biliary Pancreatitis Results Of Attitude Survey. Turkish journal of trauma & emergency surgery: TJTES • October 2020 DOI: 10.14744/tjtes.2020.72472
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