Asst. Prof. MD. Meltem Topalgökçeli Selam
Asst. Prof. MD. Meltem Topalgökçeli Selam
Asst. Prof. MD.

Meltem Topalgökçeli Selam

Liv Hospital Ulus
Medical Oncology
Areas of Interests
    • Colorectal cancer
    • Lung cancer
    • Breast cancer
    • Gynecological cancers
    • Urological cancers
International Articles





  • İstanbul University Medical School Oncology Institute –Medical Oncology
  • İstanbul Training Hospital – İnternal Medicine
  • İstanbul University Medical School
  • American  Academy for Girls





  • Liv Hospital Ulus
  • Okmeydanı İstanbul Training Hospital -Medical Oncology
  • İstanbul University Medical School Oncology Institute –Medical Oncology
  • Okmeydanı İstanbul Training Hospital –İnternal Medicine
  • İstanbul Training Hospital –İnternal Medicine


1-Ovarian carcinosarcomas:Clinicopathological prognostic factors and evaluation of chemotherapy regimens containing platinum.Cicin I,Saip P,Eralp Y,Selam M,Topuz S,Ozluk Y,Aydın Y, Topuz E.Gynecol Oncol. 2007 Oct 11
2-Effect of maximum-tolerated doses and low-dose metronomic chemotherapy on serum vascular endothelial growth factor and thrombospondin-1 levels in patients with advanced nonsmall cell lung cancer.Tas F, Duranyildiz D, Soydinc HO, Cicin I, Selam M, Uygun K, Disci R, Yasasever V,Topuz E.Cancer Chemother Pharmacol. 2007 Jun /
3-Psoriasis agrevatation due to Lapatinib.Selam M.BMJ Case Reports(23 february 2013)

1-Etyolojisi Bilinmeyen Son Dönem Böbrek Yetmezliği Olan Hastalarda Analjezik Nefropatisi Sıklığı ve Tanı Kriterleri.Selam M,Polat H, Kalkan I, Mantar F, Karakullukcu F.
İstanbul Tıp Dergisi 1998 Aralık Cilt 2 Sayı 4 1-5.
2-Sürekli Ambulatuar Periton Diyalizi Hastalarında Oral ve Intraperitoneal 1,25-Dihidroksikolekalsiferol Tedavisi.Kalkan I, Sealm M, Polat H, Caneroğlu U.N, Demirel N, Karakullukcu F.İstanbul Tıp Dergisi 1998 Aralık Cilt 2 Sayı 4 10-14.
3-Bir Olgu Nedeniyle Paget Hastalığı. Benzer M, Selam M, Sametoğlu F.İstanbul Tıp Dergisi 1998 Aralık Cilt 2 Sayı 4 47-50.
4-Tedaviye Yeterli Yanıt Vermeyen Kr. Hepatit B ve Kr. Hepatit C Hastalarında Ursodeoksikolik Asidin Yeri.Demirel N,Caneroğlu U.N,Polat H, Mantar F, Keskin N,Selam M.İstanbul Tıp Dergisi 1998 Ağustos Cilt 2 Sayı 3 8-18.
5-Bir Olgu Nedeniyle Sklederma Adultorum. Ece F,Sezgin Ö, Selam M, Orak E.İsatnbul Tıp Dergisi 1999 Cilt 3 Sayı 4 49-52.
6-Tip II Diabetes Mellitus ve Esansiyel Hipertansif Hastalarda Losartan Potasyum’un Mikroalbuminüri Üzerine Etkisi. Körceğiz A,Polat H,Selam M,Keskin N.İstanbul Tıp Dergisi 1999 Cilt 3 Sayı 1 5-9. 
7-Karaciğer Sirozu Etyopatogenezi.Uğurlukişi B,Yoğun Y,Selam M,Özgün E,Kayaş D,Acar A,Kaya B,Karabulut L.Okmeydanı Tıp Dergisi 2004 Cilt 21 Sayı 1 5-9.
8-Tiflit :Çekum İltihabı.Selam M, Yoğun Y,Karabulut L.Okmeydanı Tıp Dergisi 2004 Sayı 3.
9-Poliglandüler Otoimmun Sendromlar (Olgu Sunumu) Yoğun Y,Uğurlukişi B, Selam M,Karabulut L. Okmeydanı Tıp Dergisi 2004 Sayı 3.
  • Turkish Medical Oncology Association
  • İstanbul Medical  Association
  • İstanbul Breast Cancer Research Group
  • Turkish Lung Cancer Association
  • Üsküdar American Academy Graduates Association
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Rectal Cancer.
Rectal Cancer

Rectal cancer, as the name suggests, refers to the cancerous cells development in the rectal area.

rectal bleeding
changes in bowel habits
Carcinoma Cancer
Carcinoma Cancer

Carcinoma cancer is a specific type of cancer that affects epithelial tissue, or cells that line and cover the body.

skin changes
urinary symptoms
Tumor Symptoms
Tumor Symptoms

A tumor is an unnatural growth or mass of cells that can appear anywhere in the body.

non-cancerous growths
malignant tumors