Asst. Prof. MD. Mahmut Gökhan Teker
Asst. Prof. MD. Mahmut Gökhan Teker
Asst. Prof. MD.

Mahmut Gökhan Teker

Areas of Interests
    • Neuraxial Blockades
    • Peripheral Nerve Blocks
    • Pediatric Anesthesia
International Articles
  • Ankara Kurtuluş High School 1989
  • Istanbul University, Istanbul Medical Faculty 1996
  • Istanbul University Institute of Health Sciences, Public Health Postgraduate Program 2001
  • Bezm-I Alem Valide Sultan Foundation Gureba Education Hospital Anesthesiology & Reanimation Specialist 2009

  • Liv Hospital Anesthesiology & Reanimation Specialist
  • Kanuni Sultan Süleyman Education Research Hospital Anesthesiology & Reanimation Specialist
  • Istanbul Arnavutköy State Hospital Anesthesiology & Reanimation Specialist
  • Samsun Vezirköprü State Hospital
  • Vakıf Gureba Education Hospital
  • Büyükçekmece State Hospital Emergency Supervisor Doctor
  • Büyükçekmece Emergency Help Station
  • Büyükçekmece Kıraç Community Clinic Doctor
  • Kastamonu/Çatalzeytin Çağlar Köyü Cottage Hospital Doctor
  • Şark Hayat Sigorta Supervisor Doctor, German Hospital


  • Interleukin-10 Levels and Clinical Outcome : Comparison of  Retroperitoneal versus Transperitoneal Approaches in Infra-Renal Abdominal Aorta Re-construction; K. Erkalp, B. Inan, Y. Abut, G. Teker, G. Basaranoglu, Y. Kalko, F. Gumus Acta Chir Belg, 2014, 114, 313-318
  • The effect of low dose rocuronıum on intraocular pressure in laryngeal mask airway usage; Başaranoğlu G, Teker M. Gökhan, Erkalp K, Özdemir H, Yilmazli C, Saidoğlu L M.E.J. ANESTH 21 (1), 2011
  • The Effect of Nicotine Treatment on Propofol Injection Pain; V ERDEN, G BAŞARANOĞLU, K ERKALP, Z YANGIN, H DELATİOĞLU, M. Gökhan TEKER, L SAİTOĞLU, Balkan Medical Journal 2010; 27 (1):18-22
  • Comparison of the Vertical and the Highest Point of Shoulder Methods in Brachial Plexus Block; Kiritoglu S,; Basaranoglu G; Comlekci M; Suren M; Erkalp K; Teker G; Saidoglu L International Journal of Biomedical Science, 2009; (5)1:50-53
  • Local Anesthetic Toxicity & Intravenous Lipid Treatment; Mahmut Gökhan Teker, Gökçen Başaranoğlu, Leyla Saidoğlu. Vakıf Gureba Education & Research Hospital Magazine, Year 2009 , Volume 7, Issue 1-2-3:  p.97-102


  • The Airtraq laryngoscope in severe ankylosing spondylitis. Basaranoglu G, Suren M, Teker GM, Ozdemir H, Saidoglu L. J R Army Med Corps. 2008 Mar;154(1):77-8
  • Comparison of the Vertical and the Highest Point of Shoulder Methods in Brachial Plexus Block; Kiritoglu S, Basaranoglu G; Comlekci M; Suren M; Erkalp K; Teker G; Saidoglu L International Journal of Biomedical Science, 2009; (5)1:50-53
  • Levosimendan As A Rescue Adjunct In Amlodipine Intoxication – A Case Report – M G Teker, H Özdemir, L Saidoglu, K Erkalp, G Başaranoğlu. M.E.J. ANESTH 2010; 20 (6):887-90
  • The Effect of Nicotine Treatment on Propofol Injection Pain; V ERDEN, G BAŞARANOĞLU, K ERKALP, Z YANGIN, H DELATİOĞLU, M. Gökhan TEKER, L SAİTOĞLU. Balkan Medical Journal 2010; 27 (1):18-22
  • Selective spinal anesthesia for limb amputation above knee level. Basaranoglu G, Erkalp K, Saidoglu L, Aydas D, Ozdemir H, Teker M. J Clin Anesth. 2011 Mar;23(2):169
  • The effect of low dose rocuronium on intraocular pressure in laryngeal mask airway usage; Başaranoğlu G, Teker M. Gökhan, Erkalp K, Özdemir H, Yilmazli C, Saidoğlu L. M.E.J. ANESTH 21 (1), 2011
  • Interleukin-10 Levels and Clinical Outcome : Comparison of  Retroperitoneal versus Transperitoneal Approaches in Infra-Renal Abdominal Aorta Re-construction; K. Erkalp, B. Inan, Y. Abut, G. Teker, G. Basaranoglu, Y. Kalko, F. Gumus Acta Chir Belg, 2014, 114, 313-318
  • General Anesthesia During Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Attack (Case Report); K Erkalp, M. G Teker, Z Yangın, V Erden, H Özdemir, L Saidoğlu. Anesthesia Magazine 2008 2 (April-May-June)
  • Subcutaneous Emphysema & Hypercarbia During Laparoscopic Total Extraperiotoneal Inguinal Hernia Repair (Case Report); K Erkalp, G Teker, H Özdemir, N Muhammedoğlu, S Küçük, A Merter, L Saidoğlu. Anesthesia Magazina 2008 2 (April-May-June)
  • Our Spinal Anesthesia Experiences on Low Dose Bupivacain in Vascular Surgery. K Erkalp, M. G Teker, H Özdemir, V Erden, Z Yangın, G Başaranoğlu, L Saidoğlu. Vakıf Gureba Education Research Hospital Magazine, Year: 2009, Volume: 7, Issue: 1-2-3: p.24-27
  • Knowledge of Doctors Who Use Local Anesthetic Regarding Toaxicity & Intralipid Treatment; G Başaranoğlu, M G Teker, L Saidoğlu, N Muhammedoğlu, H Özdemir, Turkish Anest Rean Der Magazine 2010; 38(4):262-267
  • Using Granulocyte Stimulant Factor for Colchicine Intoxication That Came After Bone Marrow Inhibition; Haluk ÖZDEMİR, Gökhan TEKER, Kerem ERKALP, Zehra YANGIN, Leyla SAİDOĞLU. Turkey Clinics J Anest Reanim 2010;8(1):60-3

  • Turkish Medical Association
  • Turkish Anesthesiology & Reanimation Association
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