İbrahim Ekici
- Neuro-Oncological Surgery (Intracranial Space-Occupying Masses, Pituitary Tumors, Spinal Cord Tumors, etc.)
- Spinal Surgery (Herniated Disc, Cervical Disc Herniation, Back Herniation, Slipped Lumbar, Waist and Cervical Spinal Cord Stenosis, Open and Closed Treatment of Spinal Fractures, Spinal Tumors, etc.)
- Nerve Compression Syndromes Surgery (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Ulnar Trap Syndromes etc.)
- Interventional Pain Treatments (Algology) (Transforaminal Nerve Blockade, Facet Joint Blockade, Sacroiliac Joint Injection)
- Hydrocephalus Surgery
- Intracranial Bleeding Surgery (Subdural Bleeding, Epidural Bleeding, Intraparenchymal Bleeding)
- Pediatric Neurosurgery
- Vascular Neurosurgery (Aneurysm Surgery, Arteriovenous Malformation, Cavernoma, etc.)
- Uludağ University Faculty of Medicine (2002-2009)
- General Practitioner: Ağrı Gynecology and Pediatrics Hospital Pediatric Emergency Department (2009-2010)
- Expertise: Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital, Brain and Nerve Surgery Clinic (2010-2015)
- Post-specialization: Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University. Yenimahalle Training and Research Hospital Brain and Nerve Surgery Clinic (2015-2017)
- Post-Specialization: Ağrı State Hospital Brain and Nerve Surgery Clinic (2017)
- Post-Specialization: Merzifon Kara Mustafa Paşa State Hospital Brain and Nerve Surgery Clinic (2017-2021)
Articles published in international peer-reviewed journals:
1. Non-functioning Pituitary Adenomas Are Really Clinically Non-functioning? Clinical and Endocrinological Symptoms and Outcomes with Endoscopic Endonasal Treatment World Neurosurgery 2016 DOI:10.1016/j.wneu.2015.08.073
2. Vena Cava Filters are not Superior to Low Molecular Weight Heparin in Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis: A Study on Long-Term Immobilized Neurosurgical Patients Turkısh Neurosurgery 2015 DOI: 10.5137/1019-5149.JTN.10737-14.1
3. Pure endoscopic endonasal removal of unusual anterior skull base aneursymal bone cyst extending to the frontal lobe Journal of Cranıofacial Surgery,2015 May;26(3):e232-4 DOI:10.1097/SCS.0000000000001497
4. Endoscopic Endonasal Management of an Ethmoidal Osteoma With Orbital Extension Neurosurgery Quarterly. 25(2):205-207, May 2015. DOI:10.1097/WNQ.0000000000000025
5. Endoscopic endonasal removal of a sphenoidal sinus foreign body extending into the intracranial space Ulus Travma Acil Cerr Derg 2014;20(2):139-142 DOI:10.5505/tjtes.2014.93902
Articles published in national refereed journals:
1. Epidemiology, Evaluation and Management of Traumatic Spinal Cord Injuries Turkish Journal of Neurosurgery 30(3):458-465, 2020
Papers presented at international scientific meetings and published in proceedings:
1. Cervical Spinal Epidural Hematoma Mimicking Stroke.
2nd Middle East Spine Meeting 16-19 May 2013 Çeşme İzmir Turkey
2. Endoscopic Endonasal Repair of Spontaneous Sphenoid Sinus Lateral Wall Meningocele Presenting with Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak. 15th WFNS World Congress of Neurosurgery, Seoul – Korea, 8-13 September 2013
3. Fibromuscular dysplasia associated with carotid artery agenesis. Neurotrauma and Vascular Neurosurgery Joint EANS Annual Meeting-4th International ICH Conference May 2-5, 2011, Newcastle, Gateshead, UK4. Endoscopic Endonasal Treatment of Acromegaly 16th WFNS World Congress of Neurosurgery, İstanbul, 20-25 August 2017
1. Pure Endoscopic Endonasal Treatment of Acromegaly; Classification, Remission Rates, Factors Affecting Remission and Complications Turkish Neurosurgery Association 31st Scientific Congress, SS-052
2. Endoscopic Endonasal Treatment of Clival Chordoma Turkish Neurosurgery Association 29th Scientific Congress, SS-053
3. Endoscopic Endonasal Optic Nerve Decompression Applied in Pseudotumor Cerebri Patients Turkish Neurosurgery Association 29th Scientific Congress, SS-141
4. The Place of Tubular System Interlaminar Endoscopic Discectomy Technique in Sequestrated and Migraine Lumbar Disc Herniations Turkish Neurosurgery Association 29th Scientific Congress, SS-176
5. Pure Endoscopic Endonasal Treatment of Adult Craniopharyngiomas: Classification, Resection, Endocrinological and Ophthalmological Results Turkish Neurosurgery Association 29th Scientific Congress, SS-189
6. Posterior Stabilization Experience in Axis/Odontoid Protrusion Pathologies Turkish Neurosurgery Association 28th Scientific Congress, SS-102
7. Unilateral Dynamic Stabilization Application After Unilateral Facet Joint Removal: Four Case Reports Turkish Neurosurgery Association 27th Scientific Congress, SS-035
8. Multiple Vertebra Compression Fractures as a Result of Epileptic Seizure, Case Report Turkish Neurosurgery Association 32nd Scientific Congress, EPS-422
9. Lost Intervertebral Discs, Case Report Turkish Neurosurgery Association 32nd Scientific Congress, EPS-425
10. Sharps Injury Penetrating through the Frontal Region: Case Report Turkish Neurosurgery Association 29th Scientific Congress, EPS-422
11. Endoscopic Endonasal Treatment of Foreign Bodies in the Sphenoid Sinus with Intracranial and Intraorbital Extension: 2 Case Reports Turkish Neurosurgery Association 29th Scientific Congress, EPS-584
12. Incidence and Hormonal Distribution of Atypical Pituitary Adenoma Cases Turkish Neurosurgery Association 29th Scientific Congress, EPS-594
13. Endoscopic Endonasal Treatment of Rare Anterior Skull Base Tumors Turkish Neurosurgery Association 29th Scientific Congress, EPS-631
14. Pure Endoscopic Endonasal Clipping of Incidentally Detected Anterior Communicating Artery Aneurysm Turkish Neurosurgery Association 29th Scientific Congress, TPS-009
15. Excellent Treatment Of A Huge Skull Base Ameloblastic Carcinoma With Intracranial Extension Turkish Neurosurgery Association 29th Scientific Congress, TPS-035
16. Sacrum Dual Screw System to Prevent L5-S1 Pseudoarthrosis: Evaluation of Ten Cases Turkish Neurosurgery Association 28th Scientific Congress, EPS-016
17. Vertebroplasty and Posterior Thoraco-Lumbar Stabilization in L1 Vertebral Hemangioma: Case Report Turkish Neurosurgery Association 28th Scientific Congress, EPS-142
18. Report of 3 Cases with Cauda Equina Syndrome and Urinary Incontinence without Motor-Sensory Deficit Turkish Neurosurgery Association 28th Scientific Congress, EPS-171
19. A Case of Pediatric Subdural Hematoma Bleeding into Arachnoid Cyst Turkish Neurosurgery Association 28th Scientific Congress, EPS-342
20. Endoscopic Endonasal Optic Nerve Decompression in a Pseudotumor Cerebri Patient Turkish Neurosurgery Association 28th Scientific Congress, EPS-393
21. Endoscopic Endonasal Treatment of Rare Sphenoid Sinus and Skull Base Tumors Turkish Neurosurgery Association 28th Scientific Congress, EPS-398
22. A Case of Recurrent Cavernoma Presenting with Atrial Myxoma Turkish Neurosurgery Association 28th Scientific Congress, EPS-428
23. Transpedicular Decompression and Stabilization Application in Unstable Fractures of the Thoracolumbar Spine Turkish Neurosurgery Association 28th Scientific Congress, TPS-016
24. Frontal Sinus Psammomatoid Ossifying Fibroma with Intracranial and Orbital Extension Turkish Neurosurgery Association 27th Scientific Congress, EPS-373
25. Preservation of Vertebra Height with Kyphoplasty Application in Osteoporotic Depression Fractures: 2009-2011 Clinical Experience Turkish Neurosurgery Association 26th Scientific Congress, EPS-164
26. Endoscopic Endonasal Repair of Late Rhinorrhea Developing After Maxillofacial Gunshot Injury Turkish Neurosurgery Association 26th Scientific Congress, EPS-520
27th Pediatric Giant Size Hydatid Cyst Case Turkish Neurosurgery Association 25th Scientific Congress, EPS-202
28. A Case of Calvarial Hemangioma Mimicking Calcified Meningioma Turkish Neurosurgery Association 25th Scientific Congress, EPS-375
- Turkish Neurosurgery Association
- Ankara Medical Chamber
- Turkish Neurosurgery Association Spinal and Peripheral Nerve Surgery Teaching and Training Group "Endoscopic Approach to Lumbar Disc Herniations" Workshop, 16 October 2014, Ankara
- Turkish Neurosurgery Association Spinal and Peripheral Nerve Surgery Teaching and Training Group "Endoscopic Approach to Disc Herniations" Workshop, 23-24 October 2013, Ankara
- Turkish Neurosurgery Association Spinal and Peripheral Nerve Surgery Teaching and Training Group "Intraoperative Neuromonitoring in Spine and Spinal Cord Surgery" Workshop, 21 March 2015, Ankara
- Turkish Neurosurgery Association Spinal and Peripheral Nerve Surgery Teaching and Training Group Basic Training Program, 28-31 May 2015, Trabzon
- Turkish Neurosurgery Association Cadaver Course, 21 November 2015, Bahçeşehir University, Istanbul
- Turkish Neurosurgery Association Spinal and Peripheral Nerve Surgery Teaching and Training Group Advanced Spinal Surgery Course, 4-6 December 2015, Izmir
- Turkish Neurosurgery Association Spinal and Peripheral Nerve Surgery Teaching and Training Group "Spinal Instrumentation Techniques" Course, 7 April 2018, Istanbul
- Turkish Neurosurgery Association Spinal and Peripheral Nerve Surgery Teaching and Training Group "Interventional Pain Applications in Spinal Surgery" Training, 14 May 2018, Ankara
- Turkish Academy of Neurosurgery From Research to Publication-Experimental Research Models Course, 6-7 November 2019, Samsun
- Turkish Neurosurgery Association Spinal and Peripheral Nerve Surgery Teaching and Training Group Spinal Basic Training Program, 1 February-1 June 2021