Asst. Prof. MD.
Ahmet Yıldız
Liv Hospital Ankara
Areas of Interests
- Urooncology
- Urinary System Stone Disease
- Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery
- Robotic Surgery
- Endourologic Interventions (Percutaneous nephrolithotomy, ureterorenoscopy, transurethral resection and enucleation surgeries)
- Infertility
- Male Sexual Health
- Urinary Incontinence
- Inonu University Faculty of Medicine / Urology Residency / 2015-2021
- Ankara University Faculty of Medicine / 2006-2012
- Erzincan Mengücek Gazi Training and Research Hospital, Department of Urology / Specialist Doctor / 2021-2022
- Malatya Inonu University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Urology / Urology Assistant / 2015-2021
- Ankara Ulus State Hospital / Emergency Department / General Practitioner / 2014-2015
- Hakkari State Hospital / Deputy Chief Physician / 2013-2014
- Hakkari State Hospital / Emergency Department / General Practitioner / 2013
- Çamtosun A, Topcu I, Yıldız A. 39 - Does preoperative neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio has a value in predicting recurrence in bladder tumor after intravesical BCG treatment? European Urology Supplements. 2018;17(11):e2590. 13th South Eastern European Meeting. 21-22 September 2018. Belgrade
- Çamtosun A, Yildiz A. 47 - Cardiac metastasis from urothelial carcinoma. European Urology Supplements. 2018;17(11):e2596. 13th South Eastern European Meeting. 21-22 September 2018. Belgrade
- Yıldız A, Geçit İ, Çamtosun A, Çelik H, Dural B. Laparoscopic Right Partial Nephrectomy in Posterior Tumor. 11th Eurasian Uro-oncology Congress. 3-5 September 2021. Şanlıurfa
- Yıldız A, Dural B, Bozkurt A. Aktif İzlemden Laparoskopik Radikal Prostatektomi’ye. 12th Eurasian Uro-oncology Congress. 1-4 September 2022. Erzurum
- Camtosun A, Çelik H, Yıldız A, Altıntaş A, Taşdemir C. A Case of Hydatid Cyst Mimicking Kidney Tumor. Cyprus J Med Sci 2019; 4(1): 70-2.
- Turkish Urology Association
- International Urologic Research Society
- European Board of Urology Qualification Certificate (Fellow of European Board of Urology)
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