Assoc. Prof. MD.
Tuncay Yüce
Liv Hospital Gaziantep
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Areas of Interests
- Gynecology and Obstetrics
- Perinatology
- Branch Specialty in Medicine - Perinatology - Ankara University Faculty of Medicine Obstetrics and Gynecology Perinatology (2014-2017)
- Specialty in Medicine - Obstetrics and Gynecology - Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ankara University faculty of medicine (2005-2010)
- Bachelor of Medicine – Faculty of Medicine –Ankara University Faculty of Medicine (2005)
- Liv Hospital Gaziantep (2021 - )
- Branch Specialist Perinatology - Gaziantep Cengiz Gökçek Gynecology and Pediatric Diseases Hospital (2017-2019)
- Branch Specialist Perinatology -Dr. Zekai Tahir Burak Women's Health Training And Research Hospital 2017-2017
- Assistant Branch - Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ankara University Faculty of Medicine, (2014-2017)
- Specialist Doctor - Dr. Zekai Tahir Burak Women's Health Training And Research Hospital (2013 – 2014)
- Specialist Doctor-Adıyaman University Training and Research Hospital (2010-2013)
- Assistant-Ankara University Faculty of Medicine Gynecology and Obstetrics Department (2005-2010)
A. Articles Published In International Peer-Reviewed Journals
- Yarcı A, Bayramov V, Sükür YE, Yüce T, Berker B. Vaginal vault leiomyoma: 25 years after total abdominal hysterectomy. J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2010 Jan-Feb; 17(1): 116-7.
- Batuhan Özmen, Yavuz Emre Şükür, Tuncay Yüce, Vugar Bayramov, Hülya Olmuş, Murat Sönmezer, Cem Somer Atabekoğlu. Mode of delivery and birth complications in fetal macrosomia: a simple cost-effectiveness analysis. Turk J Med Sci. 2012; 42(1): 119-25. doi: 10.3906/sag-1007-979.
- Dökmeci F, Yüce T, Cetinkaya SE. Vesico-cutaneous fistula: unusual complication after transobturator mid-urethral sling.Int Urogynecol J. 2014, 25.10:1437-9
- Taşolar H, Mete T, Ballı M, Altun B, Cetin M, Yüce T, Taşolar S, Otlu O, Bayramoğlu A, Pekdemir H.Assessment of atrial electromechanical delay in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome in both lean and obese subjects.J Obstet Gynaecol Res. 2014 Apr;40(4):1059-66. doi: 10.1111/jog.12308. Epub 2014 Mar 10.
- T. Yuce, D. Acar, E. Kalafat, A. Alkilic, E. Cetindag, F. Soylemez. Thrombocytopenia in pregnancy: do the time of diagnosis and delivery route affect pregnancy outcome in parturients with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura? Int J Hematol. 2014 Dec;100(6):540-4. doi: 10.1007/s12185-014-1688-6. Epub 2014 Oct 8.
- Yuce T, Kalafat E, Koc A. Transperineal ultrasonography for labor management: accuracy and reliability. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand.. 2015 Jul;94(7):760-5. doi: 10.1111/aogs.12649. Epub 2015 May 5.
- Kaplanoğlu M, Kaplanoğlu D, Yüce T, Kiran H. Ruptured ipsilateral ectopic pregnancies: a rare emergency case series. Clin Exp Obstet Gynecol. 2015;42(1):67-8.
- Mustafa Kaplanoğlu, Mehmet Bülbül, Tuncay Yüce, Dilek Kaplanoğlu, Meral Aban. Mislocated extrauterine intrauterine devices: Diagnosis and surgical management. J Turk Ger Gynecol Assoc 2015; 16(2): 91-5
- Tuncay Yuce, Müge Keskin, Mehmet Murat Seval, Feride Söylemez. Effect of the timing of delivery on perinatal outcomes at gestational hypertension. Interventional Medicine & Applied Science, 2015; Vol. 7. 2. 59–62
- S.Aktürk, Z.K.Çelebi, Ş.Erdoğmuş, A.G. Kanmaz, T. Yüce, Ş. Şengül, K. Keven. Pregnancy After Kidney Transplantation: Outcomes, Tacrolimus Doses, and Trough Levels. Transplantation Proceedings, 2015; Vol. 47, Issue 5, p1442–1444
- Yüce T, Kalafat E, Koç A, Adolescent Pregnancy; A Determinant of Bone Mineral Density in Perimenopausal Women? Maturitas. 2015 Oct;82(2):203-7. doi: 10.1016/ j.maturitas.2015.07.007. Epub 2015 Jul 23.
- Yüce T, Kalafat E, Koç A. Prenatal Diagnosis of Double Arcus Aorta Anomalies: Case report. International Journal of Women's Health and Reproduction Sciences, 2016; 4: 045-046. DOI: 10.15296/ijwhr.2016.11
- Yakıştıran B, Yüce T., Söylemez F. First Trimester Bleeding and Pregnancy Outcomes: Case-Control Study. International Journal of Women's Health and Reproduction Sciences, 2016, 4.1: 4-7
- Kalafat E, Yuce T, Konuralp B, Katlan DC, Kalaylioglu Z, Beksac M, Koc A, Soylemez F. Effects of in utero cord blood collection on post-cesarean hemoglobin levels. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2015 Oct;193:123-6. doi: 10.1016/j.ejogrb.2015.07.022. Epub 2015 Aug 6.
- Kaplanoglu M, Yuce T, Bulbul M. Decreased mean platelet volume is associated with the developing stage of fetoplacental unit in spontaneous abortion. Int J Clin Exp Med. 2015;8(7):11301-6
- Yüce T, Dökmeci F, Çetinkaya SE. A prospective randomized trial comparing the use of tolterodine or weighted vaginal cones in women with overactive bladder syndrome. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology. 2016;197:91–97
- Yüce T, Konuralp B, Kalafat E, Söylemez F. Pessary use in pregnant women with short cervix. Journal of the Turkish German Gynecological Association, 2016, 17.2: 120. DOI: 10.5152/JTGGA.2015.15098
- Kalafat E., Yüce T., Tanju Ö., Koç A., Preterm premature rupture of membranes assessment via transperineal ultrasonography: a diagnostic accuracy study. The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine. 2016 Nov;29(22):3690-4
- Seval MM, Yuce T, Kalafat E, Duman B, Aker SS, Kumbasar H, Koc A. Comparison of digital vaginal examination versus transperineal ultrasound during labor on pain and anxiety levels: a randomized controlled trial. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2043 1.40 695-700 doi: 10.1002/uog.15994.
- Atasever M., Namlı Kalem M., Sönmez Ç., Seval M., Şahin aker S., Yüce T., Koç A.,Genç H. Lower Serotonin Level and Higher Rate of Fibromyalgia Syndrome with Advancing Pregnancy. The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine. 2016 Oct 3:1-8
- Seval, M. M., Yüce, T., Yakıştıran, B., Şükür, Y. E., Özmen, B., Atabekoğlu, C.,& Söylemez, F. Effects of obstetric gel on the process and duration of labour in pregnant women: Randomised controlled trial. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 2017, 1-5.
- Namlı Kalem, M., Kalem, Z., Yüce, T., & Soylemez, F. ADAMTS 1, 4, 12, and 13 levels in maternal blood, cord blood, and placenta in preeclampsia. Hypertension in pregnancy, 2017; 1-9.
- Kalem, M. N., Kalem, Z., Yuce, T., Bakırarar, B., & Söylemez, F. Comparison of Melatonin Levels in the Colostrum between Vaginal Delivery and Cesarean Delivery. American journal of perinatology.2017; (Ahead of print)
- Ozkavukcu E, Babaturk A, Haliloglu N, Yuce T, Ucar T. Concurrent Septal and Right Ventricular Aneurysms Detected on Second Trimester Ultrasound Scan: A Case Report. Eurasian J Med. 2018 Feb;50(1):50-52. doi: 10.5152/eurasianjmed.2018.17231. Epub 2018 Feb 1
- Tuncay YÜCE, Dilek ACAR, Erkan KALAFAT; Acar KOÇ. Efficacy of second trimester termination procedure; medical, mechanic or combine? Interv Med Appl Sci. 2018 Sep;10(3):133-136. doi: 10.1556/1646.10.2018.25.
- Aydın, H., Çelik, Ö., Yazıcı, D., Altunok, Ç., Tarçın, Ö., Deyneli, O., ... & TURGEP Study Group. Prevalence and predictors of gestational diabetes mellitus: a nationwide multicentre prospective study. Diabetic Medicine, 2019; 36(2), 221-227.
- Ali Ovayolu, Gamze Ovayolu, Erbil Karaman, Tuncay Yüce, Abdülkadir Turgut, Nuray Bostancıeri. Maternal Serum Endocan Concentrations are Elevated in patients with preterm premature rupture of membranes. Journal of Perinatal Medicine. JPM: 2019; vol:47, iss:5
- Ovayolu, A., Ovayolu, G., Karaman, E., Yuce, T., Ozek, M. A., & Turksoy, V. A. 2020 Amniotic fluid levels of selected trace elements and heavy metals in pregnancies complicated with neural tube defects. Congenital anomalies, 60(5), 136-141.
- Ovayolu, A., Ovayolu, G., Yuce, T., Ozek, M. A., Dogan, I., & Bostancieri, N. 2020 Amniotic fluid concentrations of soluble endoglin and endothelial cell-specific molecule-1 in pregnancies complicated with neural tube defects. Journal of perinatal medicine, 48(2), 132-138.
- Ovayolu, A., Ovayolu, G., Karaman, E., Güler, S., Doğan, İ., & Yüce, T. 2021 Analyses of soluble endoglin and matrix metalloproteinase 14 using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in the diagnosis and/or the determination of the severity of late/early-onset preeclampsia. Journal of the Turkish German Gynecological Association.
B. Papers presented in international scientific meetings and published in proceedings
- Dokmeci F, Çetinkaya SE, Yuce T, Gök H. “Urodynamic And Clinical Perspective Of Overactive Bladder İn Women” Joint Annual Meeting Of The ICS And IUGA, 23-27 August, 2010 Toronto, Kanada.
- Dokmeci F, Yuce T, Çetinkaya SE, Gök H, Dai O. “Vaginal Weight Cones İn The Management Of Overactive Bladder Syndrome: The Effect On Qualitative And Urodynamic Measures” Joint Annual Meeting Of The ICS And IUGA, 23-27 August, 2010 Toronto, Kanada.
- Dokmeci F, Çetinkaya SE, Yuce T, Dai O. “The Relation Between Obesity And Overactive Bladder Symptom Bother Assessed By OAB-V8.” Joint Annual Meeting Of The ICS And IUGA, 23-27 August, 2010 Toronto, Kanada.
- F.Dokmeci, T. Yuce, E. S. Cetinkaya; Vesicocutaneous Fistula: An Unusual Complicatıon After Transobturator Midurethral Sling; 38th Annual Meeting of IUGA - Dublin, Ireland,28 May-1 June 2013
- Mustafa Kaplanoğlu, Dilek Kaplanoğlu, Tuncay Yüce, Hakan Kiran. Ruptured ipsilateral ectopic pregancies: a rare emergency case series. X. Turkish German Gynecology Congress April 30 - May 4, 2014. Antalya
- Betül Yakıştıran, Mehmet Murat Seval, Tuncay Yüce, Batuhan Özmen, Cem Atabekoğlu, Acar Koç, Feride Söylemez. The effects of the obstetric gels on the labor process and perineum: a preliminary report of a controlled randomized trial. X. Turkish German Gynecology Congress April 30- May 4, 2014. Antalya
- Bulut Varlı, Ömer Dai, Doruk Cevdi Katlan, Tuncay Yüce, Acar Koç. Which biometric measurement is the best predictor of gestational age in second trimester? X. Turkish German Gynecology Congress April 30- May 4, 2014. Antalya
- Doruk Cevdi Katlan, Bahar Konuralp Atakul, Tuncay Yüce, Acar Koç, Feride Söylemez. A brief glance to prenatally diagnosed fetal arrhythmias: Two-year experience of a tertiary center. Perinatal medicine 23-26 April 2015.İstanbul
- Doruk Cevdi Katlan, Bahar Konuralp Atakul, Tuncay Yüce , Feride Söylemez, Acar Koç. A challenging threat for the fate of a normal fetus: Placental Mesenchymal Dysplasia Perinatal medicine 23-26 April 2015. Istanbul
- Doruk Cevdi Katlan, Bulut Varlı, Bahar Konuralp Atakul, Tuncay Yüce, Feride Söylemez, Acar Koç. No gallbladder on fetal ultrasound: How to counsel patients? Perinatal medicine 23-26 April 2015. Istanbul
- Doruk Cevdi Katlan, Bahar Konuralp Atakul, Tuncay Yüce, Dilek Acar Yüksel, Acar Koç, Feride Söylemez Effect of pre-intervention complete blood count testing and use of concomitant progesterone on pregnancy prolongation in cervical cerclage patients. Perinatal medicine 23-26 April 2015. Istanbul
- Doruk Cevdi Katlan, Bulut Varlı, Betül Yakıştıran, Tuncay Yüce, Salih Taşkın, Esra Çetinkaya, Fulya Dökmeci. On the track of gestational sac: An unusually located ectopic Pregnancy. Perinatal medicine 23-26 April 2015. Istanbul
- Doruk Cevdi Katlan, Bahar Konuralp Atakul, Tuncay Yüce, Dilek Acar Yüksel, Acar Koç, Feride Söylemez
- Comparison of the effect of emergent versus non-emergent cervical cerclage in multifetal gestations on pregnancy prolongation and preterm birth rates. Perinatal medicine 23-26 April 2015. Istanbul
- Doruk Cevdi Katlan, Bahar Konuralp Atakul, Tuncay Yüce, Dilek Acar Yüksel, Acar Koç, Feride Söylemez
- Comparison of the effect of emergent versus non-emergent cervical cerclage in singleton gestations on pregnancy prolongation and preterm birth rates. Perinatal medicine 23-26 April 2015. Istanbul
- Tuncay Yüce, Seda Şahin Aker, Doruk Cevdi Katlan, Acar Koç. Early diagnosis of peer case accompanying Cantrell pentalogy: Case report. Perinatal medicine 23-26 April 2015. Istanbul
- Tuncay Yüce, Seda Şahin Aker, Erkan Kalafat, Acar Koç.
- Prenatal diagnosis of ureterocele case: Case report. Perinatal medicine 23-26 April 2015. Istanbul
- Seda Şahin Aker, Dilek Acar, Tuncay Yüce, Acar Koç. Placental chorioangioma: Case report. Perinatal medicine 23-26 April 2015. Istanbul
- Betül Yakıştıran, Tuncay Yüce, Cem Somer Atabekoğlu. Gartner cyst mixed with cystocele in pregnancy: Case report. Perinatal medicine 23-26 April 2015. Istanbul
- Seda Şahin Aker, Tuncay Yüce, Erkan Kalafat, Batuhan Özmen. Ovarian torsion in the first trimester of IVF pregnancy: case report. Perinatal medicine 23-26 April 2015. Istanbul
- Betül yakıştıran, Tuncay Yüce, Feride Söylemez. First trimester bleeding and pregnancy outcomes; case-control study. Perinatal medicine 23-26 April 2015. Istanbul
- Tuncay Yüce, Bahar Konuralp, Erkan Kalafat, Feride Söylemez Cervical pessary in pregnancy women with a short cervix; four cases. Perinatal medicine 23-26 April 2015. Istanbul
- Özlem Irak, Doruk Cevdi Katlan, Hüner Azimli, Tuncay Yüce, Feride Söylemez, Acar Koç Dead fetus with a cystic placenta: Partial mole or other pathology? Perinatal medicine 23-26 April 2015. Istanbul
- Kazibe Koyuncu, Özgür Kan, Tuncay Yüce, Salih Taşkın, Feride Söylemez. Plasma Exchange Therapy in A Patient With Highly Elevated Liver Enzymes. Perinatal medicine 23-26 April 2015. Istanbul
- Serkan Akturk, Zeynep Kendi Celebi, Siyar Erdogmus, Ahkam
- Goksel Kanmaz, Tuncay Yüce, Sule Sengul and Kenan Keven.
- Pregnancy After Kidney Transplantation : Outcomes, Tacrolimus Doses And Trough Levels. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 30 (Supplement 3): iii634–iii661, 2015, Londra, İngiltere
- E. Kalafat, T.Yuce, A. Koc, Transperineal ultrasonography for labor management: accuracy and reliability. 2. European Congress on Intrapartuma Care 21-23 May 2015 PORTO
- T. Yuce • E. Kalafat • S. Sahin Aker • A. Koc Use of transperineal ultrasonography for predicting success of preventive labour induction at term. No preview • Article • Sep 2015 • Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology. 25th World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 11 - 14 Ekim 2015, Montreal, Kanada
- E. Kalafat, T. Yuce, A. Koc. Premature rupture of membranes assessment via transperineal ultrasonography as an alternative to speculum examinations. No preview • Article • Sep 2015 • Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology. 25th World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 11 - 14 Ekim 2015, Montreal, Kanada (Oral presentation)
- Müberra Namlı Kalem, Ziya kalem, Tuncay Yüce, Feride Söylemez. Adamts 1,4,12 and 13 levels in maternal blood, cord and placenta in preeclampsia. 25.European Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology-15.Congress of Turkish Society of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. May 17-21,2017, Antalya / Turkey.
- Müberra Namlı Kalem, Ziya kalem, Tuncay Yüce, Feride Söylemez. Comparison of between melatonin levels in colostrum in vaginal births and cesarean births. 25.European Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology-15.Congress of Turkish Society of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. May 17-21,2017, Antalya / Turkey. (Oral presentation)
- Tuncay Yüce, Şahin Kaan Baydemir, Ozan Ulusoy, Feride Söylemez. The effect of obstetric birth gel on active birth action, on active birth action and perineum in primiparous and nullipar pregnancies. 25.European Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology-15.Congress of Turkish Society of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. May 17-21,2017, Antalya / Turkey. (Oral presentation)
C. Articles Published In National Refereed Journals
- Yavuz Emre Şükür, Yeliz Gümüş, Tuncay Yüce, Ruşen Aytaç. Postoperative urinary retention secondary to laparoscopic endometrioma extirpation. Gynecology journal 2009; 8(1):1784-6.
- Tuncay Yüce, Yavuz Emre Şükür, Vugar Bayramov, Ruşen Aytaç. Over-high estradiol and late-onset ovarian cyst caused by the use of Tamoxifen. Gynecology journal 2009; 7(3):1705-6.
- Tuncay Yüce, Mehmet Murat Seval, Erkan Kalafat, Acar Koç. Unilateral fetal pleural effusion with rapid regression. Cukurova Med J. 2015;40.1:25-28.
- Tuncay Yüce, Dilek Acar, Erkan Kalafat, Murat Sönmezer. Prenatal Diagnosis and Neonatal result of a Case with Vein of Galen Aneurysmal Malformation. Case Report. Cukurova Med J. 2015; 40(4): 826-829
- Tuncay Yüce, Dilek Acar, Elif Nazlı Çetindağ, Cem Somer Atabekoğlu. Advanced Stage Colon Cancer During Pregnancy: Case report [Advanced Stage Colorectal Cancer During Pregnancy: A Case Report. Cukurova Med J. 2015; 40(4): 807-810
- Seda Şahin Aker, Tuncay Yüce, Dilek Acar, Cem Somer Atabekoğlu. Endometrial Sampling Results in Women with Abnormal Uterine Bleeding: Retrospective Analysis of 765 Cases. Cukurova Med J. 2015; 40(2): 306-310
- Tuncay YÜCE, Mehmet Murat SEVAL, Dilek ACAR, Cem ATABEKOĞLU. Pregnancy Thrombocytopenia: Evans Syndrome, a Rare Diagnosis Evans Syndrome in Pregnancy. Turkey Clinics J Gynecol Obst 2016;26(1):52-5 doi: 10.5336/gynobstet.2014-42444
- Tuncay YÜCE, Dilek ACAR, Erkan KALAFAT, F. Acar KOÇ. Umbilical Cord Torsion. Turkey Clinics J 2015;25(4):292-4. doi: 10.5336/gynobstet.2014-42447
- Yüce T, Aker SŞ, Seval MM, Kalafat E, Söylemez F. Obstetric and neonatal results of adolescent pregnancies. North Clin Istanbul 2015;2(2):122-127 doi: 10.14744/nci.2015.86158
- Yüce T, Aker SŞ, Kalafat E, Koç A.Cantrell pentalogy: Case report. General medical journal 2015;25:95-97
- Koyuncu K., Kan Ö., Yüce T., Taşkın S., Söylemez F. Postpartum Plasmapheresis Treatment In A Severe Liver Enzymes Disorder. Turkiye Klinikleri J Gynecol Obst. JCOG. 2018;28(2):75-7 doi: 10.5336/gynobstet.2015-46783
- Seda Şahin Aker, Tuncay Yüce, Erkan Kalafat, Acar Koç. Prenatal Ureterocele Diagnosis and Management: Case Report. Gynecology - Obstetrics and Neonatology Medicine journal 2016 Number of Case Reports; Page: 42 - 43
- Tuncay Yüce, Müge Keskin, Mehmet Murat Seval, Acar Koç. Prenatal diagnosis of Sacrococcygeal teratomas. Ankara University Faculty of Medicine Journal 2016:69(1);65-68 DOI: 10.1501/Tıpfak_000000920
- Tuncay Yüce, Erkan Kalafat, Batuhan Özmen, Acar Koç, Feride Söylemez. Amniocentesis Results According to Risk Factors: A result of 1026 Women with advanced maternal age. Ankara University Faculty of Medicine Journal 2016:69(1);49-52 DOI: 10.1501/Tıpfak_000000917
- Tuncay Yüce, Mehmet Murat Seval, Erkan Kalafat, Batuhan Özmen, Acar Koç. Reduction of multifetal gestation to twins; Is it always possible to attain natural outcomes? Cukurova Med J. 2016; 41(3): 485-490
- Seda Şahin Aker, Tuncay Yüce, Erkan Kalafat, Mehmet Murat Seval, Feride Söylemez. Association of first trimester serum uric acid levels with development of gestational diabetes mellitus. Turk J Obstet Gynecol 2016;13:71-74
- Seda Şahin Aker, Doruk Cevdi Katlan, Tuncay Yüce, Feride Söylemez. Placental, hepatic and supraclavicular lymph node metastasis in pancreatic adenocarcinoma during pregnancy: A case report. Turk J Obstet Gynecol 2016;13:161-3. DOI: 10.4274/tjod.39327
- Dilek Yüksel, Tuncay Yüce, Erkan Kalafat, Seda Şahin Aker, Acar Koç. The views of nulliparous pregnant women on the types of delivery. Turk J Obstet Gynecol 2016;13:127-31. DOI: 10.4274/tjod.46144
- Seda ŞAHİN AKER, Tuncay YÜCE, Melahat ATASEVER, Murat SEVAL, Feride SÖYLEMEZ,Effect of Initial Trimester TSH Level on Obstetric and Perinatal Results. The Journal of Gynecology - Obstetrics and Neonatology. 2016:13(3); 103-6.
- A.Koç, T.Yüce, E.Kalafat. Fetal Diagnostic Invasive Interventions, Indications, Techniques and Risks. Turkey clinics J Gynecol Obst-Special Topics 2017;10(1):42-48
- Ali Gökçe, Tuncay Yüce, Feride Söylemez. A Case of Maternal Spina Bifida; Vaginal Birth. Gynecology - Medical Journal of Obstetrics and Neonatology 2018; Volume:15, Issue:1, Page: 41 - 42
- Betül Yakıştıran, Doruk Cevdi Katlan, Tuncay Yüce, Feride Söylemez. Prenatal Diagnosis and fetal Outcomes of Cystic Hygroma: Experience of a tertiary hospital. Gynecol Obstet reprod Med 2019; 25 (1) : 4-6
- Yakıştıran B, Katlan DC, Yüce T, Koç A.Neural and cardiac injury markers in fetal growth restriction and their relation to perinatal outcomes. Turk J Obstet Gynecol. 2019 Mar;16(1):50-54. doi: 10.4274/tjod.galenos.2019.84665. Epub 2019 Mar 27.
- Yakıştıran B, Altınboğa O, Yüce T, Çağlar AT. Fetal fibular hemimelia with focal femoral deficiency: A case report.Turk J Obstet Gynecol. 2019 Sep;16(3):205-207. doi: 10.4274/tjod.galenos.2019.89990. Epub 2019 Oct 10.
E. Papers presented in national scientific meetings and published in proceedings
- Tuncay Yüce, Yavuz Emre Şükür, Vugar Bayramov, Ruşen Aytaç. Over-high estradiol due to the use of Tamoxifen and over cyst in late period. 7. National Gynecology and Obstetrics Congress Kıbrıs 14-19 May 2009
- Vugar Bayramov, Aslı Yarcı, Yavuz Emre Şükür, Tuncay Yüce, Bülent Berker. Case report of myoma in the vaginal vault in a 70 year old postmenopausal patient with a history of abdominal hysterectomy. 7. National Gynecology and Obstetrics Congress Kıbrıs 14-19 May 2009
- Tuncay Yüce, Yavuz Emre Şükür, Batuhan Özmen, Vugar Bayramov, Cem Somer Atabekoğlu, Murat Sönmezer. Borderline in macrosomic births; 4000 grams vs. 4250 gr. 7. National Gynecology and Obstetrics Congress Kıbrıs 14-19 May 2009
- İbrahim Yalçın, Yavuz Emre Şükür, Korhan Kahraman, Tuncay Yüce, Feride Söylemez. Cervical varicose due to placenta previa; a rare combination. 8. National Gynecology and Obstetrics Congress , Antalya, 18-23 May 2010.
- Tuncay Yüce, Ömer Dai, Yavuz Emre Şükür, Lügen Cengiz. Massive vulvar edema due to nifedipine use in preterm labor. 8. National Gynecology and Obstetrics Congress , Antalya, 18-23 May 2010.
- Tuncay Yüce, Ömer Dai, Şerife Esra Çetinkaya, Feride Söylemez. Role of body mass index and change in pregnancy in the screening for gestational diabetes mellitus. 8. National Gynecology and Obstetrics Congress , Antalya, 18-23 May 2010.
- Mustafa Kaplanoğlu, Tuncay Yüce . Evaluation of the use of mean volume and width of platelet distribution in the abdominal projection. TMFTP association IX. National Congress. Istanbul. 24-27 September 2014:
- Tuncay Yüce, Ahkam Göksel Kanmaz, Acar Koç. Double aortic arch; case report. TMFTP association IX. National Congress. 24-27 September 2014:
- Tuncay Yüce, Dilek Acar, Erkan Kalafat, Acar Koç. Umbilical Cord Torsion:Case report. TMFTP association IX. National Congress. Istanbul. 24-27 September 2014:
- Tuncay Yüce, Bulut Varlı, Ayşegül Alkılıç, Acar Koç, Feride Söylemez. Perspective of screening tests and interventional procedures of pregnant women in Turkey. TMFTP association IX. National Congress.İstanbul. 24-27 September 2014:
- Tuncay Yüce, Erkan Kalafat, Acar Koç. Transperineal Ultrasonography in Manage Birth . TMFTP association IX. National Congress. Istanbul. 24-27 September 2014: (Oral presentation)
- Seda Şahin Aker, Tuncay Yüce, Feride Söylemez, Erkan Kalafat. Obstetric and neonatal results of adolescent pregnancies. TJOD 13th Congress. May 11-15. ANTALYA
- Dilek Acar, Tuncay Yüce, Seda Şahin Aker, Erkan Kalafat, Acar Koç. Preferences in Birth Method According to the Demographic Characteristics of the Pregnant at the Hospital Pregnancy Polyclinic. TJOD 13th Congress. May 11-15. ANTALYA
- Seda Şahin Aker, Tuncay Yüce, Feride Söylemez. Relationship of First Trimester Uric Acid Level with the Development of Gestational Diabetes. TJOD 13th Congress. May 11-15. ANTALYA
- Seda Şahin Aker, Tuncay Yüce, Acar Koç. Prenatal Diagnosis of Walker Warburg Syndrome: Case report. TMFP association, Ultrasonography course, Istanbul. 27-31st October 2015
- Tuncay Yüce, Kazibe Koyuncu, Batuhan Turgay, Salih Taşkın. Fetal axillary lymphangioma case; postnatal result TMFP association, Ultrasonography course, Istanbul. 27-31st October 2015
- Seda Şahin Aker, Tuncay Yüce, Feride Söylemez. The effect of changes in body mass index during pregnancy on baby birth weight. 12th Zekai Tahir Burak Gynecology and Obstetrics Congress 12-14 November 2015, Ankara
- Tuncay Yüce, Acar Koç. Anomaly Confused with Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome in Monochorionic Diamniotic Twin Pregnancy; Case Report. Fetal medicine and prenatal diagnosis subgroup meeting. 4-6th June 2016, Ankara
- Tuncay Yüce, Ali Gökçe, Esra Özkavukçu, Acar Koç. A case of fetal endocardial fibroelastosis due to aortic stenosis; Case report. Fetal medicine and prenatal diagnosis subgroup meeting. 10-11 June 2016, Ankara
- Tuncay Yüce, Batuhan Turgay, Acar Koç. Perinatal results in cystic hygroma cases; Is termination always required? Fetal medicine and prenatal diagnosis subgroup meeting. 4-6th June 2016, Ankara(oral presentation)
- Betül Yakıştıran, Tuncay Yüce, Murat Seval, Doruk Katlan, Acar Koç. Investigation of Neuron Specific Enolase (NSE), and Troponin T (cTnT) Levels in Newborns with Intrauterine Growth Constraint (IUGR), Pathological Doppler Findings or born with a Low APGAR score. X. Congress of Turkish Maternal Fetal Medicine and Perinatology Society, 27-30 October 2016, Istanbul (Oral presentation)
- Kazibe Koyuncu, Batuhan Turgay, Ozan Ulusoy, Tuncay Yüce, Ruşen Aytaç, Feride Söylemez.Evaluation of the Effect of birth Type on the Amount of Postpartum Urinary Residue. X. Congress of Turkish Maternal Fetal Medicine and Perinatology Society, 27-30 October 2016, Istanbul
- Tuncay Yüce, Erkan Kalafat, Banu Arslanca, Acar Koç. Isolated Cavum Septum Pellucidum Agenesis; Prenatal and Postnatal results. X. Congress of Turkish Maternal Fetal Medicine and Perinatology Society, 27-30 October 2016, Istanbul
- Banu Arslanca, Tuncay Yüce, Tufan Arslanca, Cem Atabekoğlu, Acar Koç. Fetal Thyroglossal Duct Cyst, Prenatal Diagnosis. X. Congress of Turkish Maternal Fetal Medicine and Perinatology Society, 27-30 October 2016, Istanbul
- Tuğçe Sırma, Erkan Kalafat, Tuncay Yüce, Acar Koç. Intrauterine Diagnosis of Hypospadias; Case menagement. X. Congress of Turkish Maternal Fetal Medicine and Perinatology Society, 27-30 October 2016, Istanbul
- Seda Şahin Aker, Tuncay Yüce, Erkan Kalafat Acar Koç Prenatal Diagnosis of Fetal Arachnoid Cyst Turkey Maternal Fetal Medicine and Perinatology Association X. Congress 27-30 October 2016, Istanbul
- Tuncay Yüce, Banu Arslanca, Batuhan Turgay, Ozan Ulusoy, Feride Söylemez. Vulvar Varicose and Vaginal delivery; Two Cases. X. Congress of Turkish Maternal Fetal Medicine and Perinatology Society, 27-30 October 2016, Istanbul
- Can Ozan Ulusoy, Erkan Kalafat, Ali Gökçe, Tuncay Yüce, Acar Koç. Open Neural Tube Defect And Accompanying Corpus Callosum Agenesis; Case report. X. Congress of Turkish Maternal Fetal Medicine and Perinatology Society, 27-30 October 2016, Istanbul
- Erkan Kalafat, Ali Gokce, Ozan Ulusoy, Tuncay Yuce, Acar Koc, Feride Soylemez . Efficacy of carbetocin in the prevention of postpartum hemorrhage following vaginal or cesarean delivery: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials Turkish Maternal Fetal Medicine and Perinatology Association Ultrasonography Course. 2-4 November 2017, Istanbul (Oral presentation)
- Erkan Kalafat, Can Benlioglu, Kaan Baydemir, Tuncay Yuce, Acar Koc, Feride Soylemez . Impact of single- versus double layer closure on scar related adverse outcomes in a subsequent pregnancy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Turkish Maternal Fetal Medicine and Perinatology Association Ultrasonography Course.. 2-4 November 2017, Istanbul (Oral presentation)
- Ali Ovayolu, Tuncay Yüce, Murat Aykut Özek. Hysteroscopic Isthmocele Repair. II. Young Endoscopists Platform Symposium. 23-25 February 2018. (Oral presentation)
- Tuncay Yüce, Murat Aykut Özek, Ali Özgür Ersoy. Combination of short rib polydactyly syndrome and hypoplastic left heart syndrome. Fetal Medicine and Prenatal Diagnosis Congress 31 May-2 June 2018 Ankara
- Tuncay Yüce, Murat Aykut Özek, Ali Özgür Ersoy. Wolf Hirschhorn Syndrome; A rare case report. Fetal Medicine and Prenatal Diagnosis Congress 31 May-2 June 2018 Ankara
- Ali Özgür Ersoy, Tuncay Yüce, Murat Aykut Özek. Management of cell-free fetal DNA testing of positive maternal blood, case report. Fetal Medicine and Prenatal Diagnosis Congress 31 May-2 June 2018 Ankara
- Ali Özgür Ersoy, Murat Aykut Özek, Tuncay Yüce. Diagnostic amnioinfusions of anhydroamniosis cases and pregnancy results. Fetal Medicine and Prenatal Diagnosis Congress 31 May-2 June 2018 Ankara
- Tuncay Yüce, Murat Aykut Özek, Ali Özgür Ersoy. Result of intrauterine transfusion in the twin case with affected rh isoimmunization. Fetal Medicine and Prenatal Diagnosis Congress 31 May-2 June 2018 Ankara
- Ali Özgür Ersoy, Tuncay Yüce, Murat Aykut Özek. Karyotype and pregnancy results of patients referred with the preliminary diagnosis of fetal nuchal translucency. Fetal Medicine and Prenatal Diagnosis Congress 31 May-2 June 2018 Ankara
- Ali Taner Anuk, Betül Yakıştıran, Selcan Sınacı, Kadriye Yakut, Yüksel Oğuz, Seyit Ahmet Erol, Merve Öztürk, Filiz Halıcı Öztürk, Fatma Doğa Öcal, Tuncay Yüce, İlayda Gercik, Şevki Çelen. Prenatal diagnosis, management and postnatal follow-up of fetal ovarian cyst: Case report. Turkey Maternal Fetal Medicine and Perinatology Association National Convention October 31 - November 2, 2018 in Istanbul, Turkey
- Ali Ovayolu, Gamze Ovayolu, Tuncay Yüce. Does the birth type and birth weight change over the years based on the age of the mother? Turkey Maternal Fetal Medicine and Perinatology Association National Convention October 31 - November 2, 2018 in Istanbul, Turkey
- Tuncay Yüce, Ali Ovayolu. An analysis soluble endoglin (sEng) and matrix metalloproteinase 14 (MMP-14) with Elisa method in the diagnosis and severity of early/late-onset preeclampsia. Perinatal medicine 2019. 09-11 Mayıs İZMİR (oral presentation)
- Murat Aykut Özek, Tuncay Yüce. Significance of middle cerebral artery doppler in prediction of severe fetal anemia. Perinatal medicine 2019. 09-11 Mayıs İZMİR (oral presentation)
- Detection of ovarian cyst at cesarean section. Tuncay Yüce Gynecology and Obstetrics Surgery: Prof. Dr.Cem Atabekoğlu, Prof.Dr.Batuhan Özmen,Specialist.Dr.Yavuz Emre Şükür. Modern medicine bookstore, Ankara, 455-456, 2018 (Chapter translation)
- Laparoscopy in pregnancy. Tuncay Yüce Gynecology and Obstetrics Surgery: Prof. Dr.Cem Atabekoğlu, Prof.Dr.Batuhan Özmen,Specialist.Dr.Yavuz Emre Şükür. Modern medicine bookstore, Ankara, 457-458, 2018 (Chapter translation)
- Cervical cerclage. Tuncay Yüce Gynecology and Obstetrics Surgery: Prof. Dr.Cem Atabekoğlu, Prof.Dr.Batuhan Özmen,Specialist.Dr.Yavuz Emre Şükür. Modern medicine bookstore, Ankara, 459-462, 2018 (Chapter translation)
- C-section on a woman with fibroids. Tuncay YÜCE. Gynecology and Obstetrics Surgery: Prof. Dr.Cem Atabekoğlu, Prof.Dr.Batuhan Özmen,Specialist.Dr.Yavuz Emre Şükür. Modern medicine bookstore, Ankara, 463-464, 2018 (Chapter translation)
- C-section at the Viability limit. Tuncay YÜCE. Gynecology and Obstetrics Surgery: Prof. Dr.Cem Atabekoğlu, Prof.Dr.Batuhan Özmen,Specialist.Dr.Yavuz Emre Şükür. Modern medicine bookstore, Ankara, 465-467, 2018 (Chapter translation)
- TMFPM Association
- Üİ
- TAJEV Dergi; Prominent rewiver
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