Assoc. Prof. MD. Osman Yıldırım
Assoc. Prof. MD. Osman Yıldırım
Assoc. Prof. MD.

Osman Yıldırım

İSÜ Liv Hospital Bahçeşehir
Areas of Interests
    • Psychiatry
    • Eating Disorders
    • Psychological Assessment
    • Psychological Testing 
    • Bipolar Disorder 
    • Risk Management
    • Clinical Psychology 
    • Psychopathology 
    • Mental Illness Comorbidity
  • Faculty of Medicine :  Cumhuriyet University School of Medicine; Sivas, Turkey; 1992-1999
  • Residency Training :  Cumhuriyet University School of Medicine , Department of Psychiatry 2005 -2010
Working History:
  • Reyap Istanbul Hospıtal (Asoc.Prof. 2016- )
  • Abant Izzet Baysal Unıversıty Hospıtal (Asoc.Prof. 2013-2016)
  • Abant Izzet Baysal Unıversıty Hospıtal (Asist.Prof. 2011-2013)
  • Sırnak State Hospital (2010-2011)
  • Sefaatli State Hospital (2003-2005)
  • Sırnak Cakirsöğüt Military Hospital (2002-2003)
  • Boğazlıyan 1.Healt Center (1999-2002)
Professional Activities:
  • Psychiatry specialist. Working in the Department of Cardiology, Şırnak State Hospital, Turkey. 2010-2011
  • Assistant Professor. Working in the Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, Abant Izzet Baysal University, Turkey. 2011-2013.
  •  Associate Professor. Working in the Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, Abant Izzet Baysal University, Turkey.  2013-2016.
  • Associate Professor. Working in the Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, Reyap Private Hospital, Rumeli University, Turkey.  2017-2020.
  1. Introduction to Cognitive Therapy, Cognitive Therapy of Depression, Cognitive Therapy of Anxiety Disorders, Cognitive Therapy of Personality Disorders. 2009
  2. Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy (CBT) .basic course (40 hours) 2007, Ankara
  3. Cognitive and Behavioural Therapy (CBT) supervision training (100 hours) 2009, Ankara
  4. Sexual Education Treatment and Research Association (CETAD) basic course 2005, Malatya
  5. The Advanced Life Support Course, School of Medicine, Cumhuriyet University, Sivas, Turkey, 2008. 
  6. Basic course in Statistics, 2008, Sivas


  • Sahin S, Yalçın I, Senel S, Ataseven H, Uslu AU, Yıldırım O, Semiz M. Assesment life quality of familial mediterranean fever patients by short form-36 and its relationship with disease parameters. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 2013; 17 (7): 958-963
  • Topcuoglu T, Yıldırım O,  Birlik M, Sokucu O, Semiz M.  The effect of orthodontic extraoral appliances on depression and the anxiety levels of patients and parents Niger J Clin Pract
  • Yıldırım O, Alçelik A, Canan F, Aktaş G, Sit M, İşçi A, Yalçın A, Yılmaz EE. Impaired subjective sleep quality in irritable bowel syndrome patients with a Type D personality Sleep Biol Rhythms 2013; 11:135–138.
  •  Yildirim O, Yontar OC, Semiz M, Erdem A, Canan F, Yontar G, Kuğu N. The effect of radiofrequency ablation treatment on quality of life and anxiety in patients with supraventricular tachycardia. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2012;16(15):2108-12.2.
  • Yıldırım O, Canan F. Panic attack induced by St. John's wort. Prim Care Companion CNS Disord. 2013; 15(1):doi:10.4088/PCC.12101453.
  • Semiz M, Yücel H, Kavakçı Ö, Yıldırım O, Zorlu A, Yılmaz MB, Küçükdurmaz Z, Canan F. Atypical antipsychotic use is an independent predictor for the increased mean platelet volume in patients with schizophrenia: A preliminary study. J Res Med Sci.
  • Canan F, Yildirim O, Sinani G, Ozturk O, Ustunel TY, Ataoglu A. Internet Addiction and Sleep Disturbance Symptoms Among Turkish High School Students. Sleep Biol Rhythms.
  • Doğan O, Meydan G, Semiz M, Yıldırım O, Yontar G. Fahr’s Disease: A Case Report. Archives of Neuropsychiatry. 2011; 48:82-4.
  • Yıldırım O, Dogan O, Semiz M, Kilicli F. Serum cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate levels in schizophrenic patients and their first-degree relatives. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2011;65(6):584-91.
  •  Semiz M, Kavakçı O, Yontar G, Yıldırım O. Case of organic mania associated with stroke and open heart surgery. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2010;64(5):587.
  •  Duran A, Yıldırım O, Ocak T, Tekelioğlu ÜY. Respiratory Arrest Caused by Abuse of Fentanyl Patch: A Case Report. National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 2013
  •  Canan F, Yıldırım O, Ustunel TY, Sinani G, Kaleli AH, Gunes C, Ataoglu A. The Relationship between Internet Addiction and Body Mass Index and Eating Attitude in Turkish Adolescents. Cyberpsych Beh Soc N
  •  Şit M, Yılmaz EE, Canan F, Yıldırım O, Çetin MM. The impact of Type D personality on health related quality of life in patients with symptomatic hemorrhoids. XVI. Annual Meeting of the European Society of Sugery – ESS 2012, Istanbul, Turkey, 2012.
  •  Yıldırım O, Alçelik A, Canan F, Aktaş G, Şit M, İşçi A, Yalçın A, Yılmaz EA. Impaired subjective sleep quality in irritable bowel syndrome patients with a Type D personality. XVI. Annual Meeting of the European Society of Sugery – ESS 2012, Istanbul, Turkey, 2012.
  • Canan F, Yildirim O, Ustunel TY, Sinani G, Ozturk O, Gunes C, Kaleli AH, Ataoglu A. The relationship between internet addiction and body mass index in Turkish adolescents. 21st European Congress of Psychiatry, Nice, France, 2013.
  • Canan F, Yildirim O, Sinani G, Ozturk O, Ustunel TY, Ataoglu A. Internet Addiction and Sleep Disturbance Symptoms Among Adolescents. 21st European Congress of Psychiatry, Nice, France, 2013.
  •  Canan F, Yildirim O, Sinani G, Ustunel TY, Yildirim M, Ozturk O, Ataoglu A. The Self-image of Adolescents and its Relationship to Internet Addiction. 21st European Congress of Psychiatry, Nice, France, 2013.
  •  Canan F, Yildirim O, Sinani G, Ozturk O, Ustunel TY. The Relation between Instrumental Musical Activity and Internet Addiction among  High School Students. 21st European Congress of Psychiatry, Nice, France, 2013.
  •  Yıldırım O, Dogan O, Semiz M, Fırat R. The effects of antipsychotic drugs on the serum cortisol and DHEA-S levels in schizophrenia. World Psychiatric Association Thematic Conference, İstanbul, Turkey, 2011
  •  Semiz M, Kavakçı O, Yontar G, Yıldırım O. Case of organic mania associated with stroke and open heart surgery. 11th Bridging Eastern and Western Psychiatry Congress, Antalya, Turkey, 2008
  •  Duran A, Önder H, Ocak T, Yıldırım O, Aslan S. Yüksek Doz Aripiprazol Alımına Bağlı İdrar ve Gaita İnkontinansı. Uluslararası Acil Tıp Sempozyumu. Bakü/Azerbaycan, 2012
  •  Alçelik A, Yıldırım O, Canan F, Eroğlu M, Aktaş G, Şavlı H. A Preliminary Psychometric Evaluation of the Type D Personality Construct in Turkish Hemodialysis Patients. Journal of Mood Disorders. 2012;2(1):1-5.
  • Yıldırım O, Doğan O, Semiz M, Fırat R. Şizofreni hastalarında antipsikotik tedavinin serum  kortizol ve DHEA-S düzeylerine etkisi. Tıp Araştırmaları Dergisi. 2012;10(2):45-53.
  • Yıldırım O, Erdem A, Alçelik A, Canan F, Öztürk S, Ayhan SS, Özlü MF, Yazıcı M. Kardiyoloji servisinde yatan dekompanse sistolik kalp yetmezlikli hastalarda depresyon sıklığı ve prognoza etkisi. Koşuyolu Kalp Dergisi 2012;15(1):22-27.
  • Özlü MF, Yıldırım O, Erdem A, Öztürk S, Ayhan SS,  Canan F, Yazıcı M. Açıklanamayan çarpıntı nedeniyle elektrofizyolojik çalışma yapılan hastalarda yaşam kalitesi ve kaygı düzeylerinin  değerlendirilmesi. Türk Kardiyoloji Derneği Arşivi. 2013;41(2):136-140.
  •  Duran A, Önder H, Ocak T, Yıldırım O, Aslan Ş. High Dose Arıpıprazole Induced Double Incontınence. Journal Of ExperımentalAnd Clınıcal Medicine. 2012
  •  Yıldırım O, Canan F. Psikojenik kusma tedavisinde essitalopram ve olanzapin birlikte kullanımı: Olgu sunumu. Abant Tıp Dergisi
  •  Yıldırım O. Çarpıntılı hastaya psikiyatrik bakış. Abant Tıp Dergisi.
  •  Kavakçı Ö, Yıldırım O, Kuğu N. Travma Sonrası Stres Bozukluğu ve Sınav Kaygısı için EMDR: Olgu Sunumu. Klinik Psikiyatri 2010;13: 42-47
  • Yıldırım O, Canan F. Panic attack induced by St. John’s wort. Psikofarmakoloji tedavi güncellemesi toplantısı, Antalya, 2012.
  • Semiz M, Yücel H, Kavakçı Ö, Yıldırım O, Zorlu A, Yılmaz MB, Küçükdurmaz Z, Canan Atypical antipsychotic use is an independent predictor for the increased mean platelet volume in patients with schizophrenia: a preliminary study. Psikofarmakoloji tedavi güncellemesi toplantısı, Antalya, 2012.
  • Canan F, Yıldırım O. Escitalopram and olanzapine combination in treating psychogenic vomiting: A case report. Psikofarmakoloji tedavi güncellemesi toplantısı, Antalya, 2012.
  • Yıldırım O, Arısoy Ö,Boztaş MH, Kayka N, Sercan M. Augmentation of clozapine with aripiprazole in  treatment-resistent schizophrenia: A case report. Psikofarmakoloji tedavi güncellemesi toplantısı, Antalya, 2012.
  • Doğan O, Meydan G, Semiz M, Yıldırım O, Yontar G. Fahr Hastalığı: Bir Olgu Sunumu. 45. Ulusal Psikiyatri Kongresi, Ankara, 2009


  • Turkish Society of  Psychiatry (Candidate Member)
  • Turkish Medical Association
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