Assoc. Prof. MD.
İdris Sertbaş
Liv Hospital Vadistanbul
Areas of Interests
- Brain - Cerebellum Tumor Surgeries Seen in Adults and Children
- Pediatric Neurosurgery Surgeries (Hydrocephalus, Tethered Cord, Diastometamyelia, Encephalocele, Meningocele-Meningomyelocele, Dermal Sinus Tract Excision, Craniosynostosis)
- Spine Surgery (Stablization for Lumbar and Cervical Disc Herniation, Lumbar Sliding, Narrow Canal, Spinal Fractures, Vertebroplasty-Kyphoplasty Surgeries and Kyphosis Surgery)
- Brain Stimulation Surgery for Parkinson's, Essential Tremor and Dystonia (Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery)
- Epilepsy Stimulation Surgery (Vagal Nerve Stimulation Surgery)
- Spinal Cord-Pain Stimulation Surgery (Spinal Cord Stimulation Surgery)
- Trigeminal Neuralgia and Hemifacial Spasm Surgeries
- Baclofen Pump Implantation Surgery (Severe Spasticity) In Patients)
- Aneurysm, AVM and Cavernoma Surgery
- Undergraduate: Sivas Cumhuriyet University Faculty of Medicine (1999-2005)
- Medical Specialization: Ankara Training and Research Hospital, Department of Neurosurgery (2009-2014)
- Bartın State Hospital, Department of Neurosurgery (Uzm. Dr.) (2014-2017)
- Istanbul Yeni Yüzyıl University Faculty of Medicine, Private Gaziosmanpaşa Hospital, Neurosurgery Clinic (Dr. Lecturer) (2017-2021)
- Istanbul Yeni Yüzyıl University Faculty of Medicine, Private Gaziosmanpaşa Hospital, Department of Neurosurgery (Assoc. Dr.) (2021-2023)
- Liv Vadistanbul Hospital, Neurosurgery Clinic (Assoc. Dr.) (2024- Present)
A1) Articles published in international refereed journals (SCI & SSCI & Arts and Humanities):
- Karatay M, Celik H, Koktekir E, Karatay E, Sertbas I, Yilmaz A, Caydere M, Karabagli H. Role of tenoxicam in the prevention of postlaminectomy peridural fibrosis in rats. Journal of Neurological Sciences (Turkish) 30(3): 559-565, 2013
- Celik H, Karatay M, Erdem Y, Yilmaz A, Tascioglu T, Sertbas I, Bayar MA. Spontaneous regression of extruded lumbar disc herniation. Journal of Neurological Sciences (Turkish) 30(4): 787-790, 2013
- Erdem Y, Karatay M, Sertbas I, Celik H, Bayar MA. Air compressor–induced pneumocephalus, pneumomediastinum and extensive emphysema. Pediatric Neurosurgery 49: 256-257, 2013
- Celik H, Erdem Y, Karatay M, Yorubulut M, Gursoy T, Sertbas I, Bayar MA. Lumbar epidural varicose vein: early neurological improvement and late radiological full recovery with surgery and the importance of magnetic resonance imaging in the follow-up. Turkish Neurosurgery 25(5): 824-827, 2015
- Karatay M, Koktekir E, Celik H, Erdem Y, Sertbas I, Bayar MA. Spinal intradural abscess caused by hematogenous spread of Prevotella oralis in a 3-year-old child with an asymptomatic congenital spinal abnormality. Spinal Cord 53(1): 13-15, 2015
- Gulensoy B, Karatay M, Erdem Y, Celik H, Tascioglu T, Sertbas I, Gursoy T, Kul H, Gokcek C, Yasitli U, Bayar MA. Decompressive hemicraniectomy for malignant middle cerebral artery infarct. Turkish Neurosurgery 26(5): 704-708, 2016
- Celik H, Karatay M, Erdem Y, Yildirim AE, Sertbas I, Karatay E, Kul H, Guvenc Y, Koksal I, Menekse G, Alagoz F, Kertmen HH, Caydere M. The biochemical, histopathological and clinical comparison of the neuroprotective effects of subcutaneous adalimumab and methylprednisolone in an experimental compressive spinal cord trauma model. Turkish Neurosurgery 26(4): 622-631, 2016
- Karatay M, Koktekir E, Erdem Y, Celik H, Sertbas I, Bayar MA. Intramedullary schwannoma of conus medullaris with syringomyelia. Asian Journal of Surgery 40(3): 240-242, 2017
- Yilmaz A, Karatay M, Yildirim T, Celik H, Sertbas I, Erdem Y, Caydere M, Isik HS, Bayar MA. Prevention of Epidural Fibrosis Using Ranibizumab in a Postlaminectomy Rat Model. Turkish Neurosurgery 27(1): 119-123, 2017
- Sertbas I, Yilmaz A, Yıldırım T, Karatay M, Celik H, Bayar MA. The role of pegaptanib sodium in the suppression of epidural fibrosis in a postlaminectomy rat model. Bratisl Lek Listy 118(2): 118-122, 2017
- Sertbas I, Karatay M. Enlarging teratoma syndrome. Childs Nerv Syst 35(2): 369-372, 2019
- Sertbas I, Karatay M, Hacısalihoglu Uguray P. Cervical spine giant cell bone tumor: A case report. World J Surg Oncol 17(1): 82, 2019
- Sertbas I, Karatay M. Comparing the postoperative results of single-level anterior cervical discectomy and fusion, cervical disc prosthesis and minimal invasive posterior cervical disc surgery. Br J Neurosurg 34(6): 704-709, 2020
- Sertbas I, Karatay M. The effect of the delay between injury and surgery on mortality, morbidity, and complications in craniospinal gunshot wounding. Trauma 22(3):193-200, 2020
- Sertbas I, Karatay M. Combined preoperative embolization and surgical treatment of a giant aneurysmal bone cyst in the lumbar spine: A case study. Turkish Neurosurgery 30(3): 462-464, 2020
- Tascioglu T, Karatay M, Erdem Y, Tekiner A, Celik H, Sahin O, Sertbas I, Bayar MA. Simvastatin in an experimental spinal cord injury model: A histopathological and biochemical evidence based study. Bratisl Lek Listy 121(10): 722-726, 2020
- Sarbay H, Okumus M, Sertbas I, Hacisalihoglu Uguray P, Atay A, Malbora B. Children with solid tumors treated in our centre. International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics 7(12): 2260-2266, 2020
- Sertbas I, Turan Bayırlı D, Karatay M. Spontaneous cervical epidural abscess caused by Serratia Marcescens. J Coll Physicians Surg Pak 32(12): 151-153, 2022
B) Papers presented at international scientific meetings and published in proceedings:
- Karatay M, Erdem Y, Tascioglu T, Sertbas I, Gursoy T, Kul H, Bayar MA. Cervikal spinal brucellosis with anterior epidural abscess: a case report. 10th International Turkish Spine Congress, 17-20 April 2013, Cappadocia, Turkey
- Karatay M, Celik H, Erdem Y, Sertbas I, Guvenc Y, Kul H, Gursoy T, Tekiner A, Gokcek C, Yasitli U. The effect of pegaptanib sodium on epidural fibrosis in the postlaminectomy rat model. Asian Australasian Congress of Neurosurgery, 15-18 April 2015, Chongjin, Korea
- Sertbas I. Giant primary orbital Ewing Sarcoma: A case report. IV. Uluslararası Bilimsel ve Mesleki Çalışmalar Kongresi, 7-10 Kasım 2019, Ankara, Turkey
- Akyoldaş G, Sertbaş İ, Taşcıoğlu T. Short Segment Instrumentation. Dalbayrak S, Yaman O, Kaptanoğlu E, Şimşek S, Ateş Ö, Dalgıç A (eds). Spinal Deformities. Ankara, Turkish Neurosurgical Society Publications, pp: 335-338, 2015. ISBN: 978-605-4149-16-2.
- Sertbaş İ. Postoperative Infection in Cervical Surgery. Kotil K, Temiz C, Kaptanoğlu E, Erman T, Ateş Ö, Dalgıç A, Solmaz İ (eds). Degenerative Diseases of the Cervical and Thoracic Spine. Ankara, Turkish Neurosurgical Society Publications, pp. 285-289, 2017. ISBN: 978-605-4149-18-06.
- Sertbaş İ. Primary Spine Tumors. Evlice A, Oktay K (eds). Current Neurology and Neurosurgery Studies. Ankara, Akademisyen Kitabevi, pp. 49-66, 2019. ISBN: 978-605-258-328-9.
- Karatay M, Erdem Y, Taşcıoğlu T, Sertbaş İ, Bayar MA. Intracranial lipoma and Epilepsy. Case report. Turkish Journal of Neurology 18 (2): 72-74, 2012
- Karatay M, Mehmetoğlu R, Erdem Y, Gülensoy B, Taşcıoğlu T, Sertbaş İ, Bayar MA. Relationship between surgically treated spontaneous intracerebral hematomas and mortality: Retrospective evaluation of 72 cases. Turkish Journal of Neurology 18 (3): 83-87, 2012
- Karatay M, Erdem Y, Taşcıoğlu T, Gülensoy B, Sertbaş İ, Gürsoy T, Hatipoğlu G, Bayar MA. Intrathecal baclofen pump application in spinal spasticity: Case report. Ankara Education and Research Hospital Medical Journal 45 (2): 77-79, 2012
- Gökçek C, Karatay M, Erdem Y, Yaşıtlı U, Taşcıoğlu T, Gülensoy B, Sertbaş İ, Gürsoy T, Bayar MA. Spontaneous spinal epidural hematoma: A case report. Ankara Education and Research Hospital Medical Journal 45(3): 124-126, 2012
- Sertbaş İ, Molla Ali C, Karatay M. Spinal Instrumentation Complications. Turkey Clinics J Neurosurg-Special Topics 7(3): 367-371, 2017
- Sertbaş İ. Optimal Target in Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson’s Disease: Comparison of Atlas and Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Based Stereotactic Targeting. J Acad Res Med 10(3): 241-245, 2020
- Sertbaş İ, Molla Ali C, Karatay M. Spinal Instrumentation Complications. Turkey Clinics J Neurosurg-Special Topics 7(3): 367-371, 2017
- Kılıç C, Erdem Y, Bayar MA, Yılmaz A, Gökçek C, Yaşıtlı U, Tekiner A, Karatay M, Köktekir E, Sertbaş İ, Akgedik Ş, Aktaş H: Primary pituitary lymphoma: Case report. 24th Scientific Congress of the Turkish Neurosurgical Society, May 14-18, 2010, Antalya, Turkey
- Kılıç C, Erdem Y, Bayar MA, Yılmaz A, Gökçek C, Yaşıtlı U, Tekiner A, Karatay M, Köktekir E, Sertbaş İ, Akgedik Ş, Aktaş H: Solitary cranial plasmacytoma: Case report. 24th Scientific Congress of the Turkish Neurosurgical Society, May 14-18, 2010, Antalya, Turkey
- Bayar MA, Erdem Y, Kilic C, Yilmaz A, Gokcek C, Yasitli U, Tekiner A, Karatay M, Koktekir E, Sertbas I, Akgedik S, Aktas H: Cystic trigeminal schwannoma: Case report. 24th Scientific Congress of the Turkish Neurosurgical Society, May 14-18, 2010, Antalya, Turkey
- Kilic C, Erdem Y, Bayar MA, Yilmaz A, Gokcek C, Yasitli U, Tekiner A, Sertbas I, Koktekir E, Karatay M, Akgedik S, Aktas H: Angiocentric glioma: Case report. 24th Scientific Congress of the Turkish Neurosurgical Society, May 14-18, 2010, Antalya, Turkey
- Karatay M, Gökçek C, Bayar MA, Erdem Y, Yılmaz A, Yaşıtlı U, Tekiner A, Erkoç YS, Gülensoy B, Taşçıoğlu T, Sertbaş İ, Kılıç C: Isolated interhemispheric subdural empyema: Case report. 25th Scientific Congress of the Turkish Neurosurgical Society, April 22-26, 2011, Antalya, Turkey
- Bayar MA, Erdem Y, Karatay M, Sertbaş İ, Gülensoy B, Taşçıoğlu T, Gürsoy T, Hatipoğlu G, Kılıç C: Glioblastoma multiforme in childhood: Case report. 26th Scientific Congress of the Turkish Neurosurgical Society 20-24 April 2012, Antalya, Turkey
- Bayar MA, Erdem Y, Karatay M, Gülensoy B, Sertbaş İ, Taşçıoğlu T, Gürsoy T, Hatipoğlu G, Kılıç C: Childhood intracranial aneurysms: a case report. 26th Scientific Congress of the Turkish Neurosurgical Society 20-24 April 2012, Antalya, Turkey
- Erkoç YS, Erdem Y, Karatay M, Ethemoğlu KB, Taşcıoğlu T, Sertbaş İ, Gürsoy T, Bayar MA: Frontoparietal localized plasmacytoma: a case report. 27th Scientific Congress of the Turkish Neurosurgical Society, April 12-16, 2013, Antalya, Turkey
- Gökçek C, Yaşıtlı U, Brohi RA, Gülensoy B, Bayar MA, Sertbaş İ, Gürsoy T, Taşcıoğlu T, Kul H, Çelik H, Karatay M, Erdem Y: A case of symptomatic intraspinal lumbar synovial cyst. 28th Scientific Congress of the Turkish Neurosurgical Society, April 04-08, 2014, Antalya, Turkey
- Gökçek C, Yaşıtlı U, Bayar MA, Brohi RA, Sertbaş İ, Gürsoy T, Çelik H, Erdem Y, Karatay M: A giant ICA aneurysm case: vascular flow comprimising and post-op flow. 28th Scientific Congress of the Turkish Neurosurgical Society 04-08 April 2014, Antalya, Turkey
- Yaşıtlı U, Gökçek C, Brohi RA, Sertbaş İ, Bayar MA, Taşcıoğlu T, Gürsoy T, Kul H, Çelik H, Karatay M, Erdem Y: Sciatalgia developing after lumboperitoneal shunt operation. 28th Scientific Congress of the Turkish Neurosurgical Society 04-08 April 2014, Antalya, Turkey
- Yaşıtlı U, Brohi RA, Gökçek C, Gürsoy T, Sertbaş İ, Taşcıoğlu T, Kul H, Bayar MA, Çelik H, Karatay M, Erdem Y: Malignant melanoma case report. 28th Scientific Congress of the Turkish Neurosurgical Society, April 4-8, 2014, Antalya, Turkey
- Brohi RA, Gökçek C, Yaşıtlı U, Bayar MA, Gürsoy T, Sertbaş İ, Çelik H, Karatay M, Erdem Y: Spontaneous intraorbital (subperiosteal) hematoma: a case report and review of the literature. 28th Scientific Congress of the Turkish Neurosurgical Society, April 4-8, 2014, Antalya, Turkey
- Sertbaş İ, Karatay M. Lumbar intramuscular giant cavernous hemangioma. 32nd Scientific Congress of the Turkish Neurosurgical Society, April 20-24, 2018, Antalya, Turkey
- Sertbaş İ, Karatay M. Thoracolumbar mature teratoma. 32nd Scientific Congress of the Turkish Neurosurgical Society. April 20-24, 2018, Antalya, Turkey
- Sertbaş İ, Karatay M. Spontaneous cervical Serratia Marcences abscess: Case report. 33rd Scientific Congress of the Turkish Neurosurgical Society. April 11-14, 2019, Antalya, Turkey
- Sertbaş İ, Karatay M. Solitary Plasmacytoma of the Lumbar Vertebra: Case report. 33rd Scientific Congress of the Turkish Neurosurgical Society. April 11-14, 2019, Antalya, Turkey
- Sertbaş İ, Karatay M. Paravertebral giant cavernous hemangioma: Case report. 33rd Scientific Congress of the Turkish Neurosurgical Society. April 11-14, 2019, Antalya, Turkey
- Sertbaş İ. Treatment of Lumbar Vertebra Fractures and Conservative Treatment. TND Spinal and Peripheral Nerve Surgery Education and Training Group Bulletin, issue 65, pages 20-21, October 2014
- Turkish Medical Association (2013)
- Turkish Neurosurgical Association (2014)
- TND Spinal and Peripheral Nerve Surgery Education and Training Group (2015)
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