Hatice Balaban
- Parkinson's disease
- Essential tremor
- Dystonia and other involuntary movements
- Balance and gait disorders
- Alzheimer's Disease and other dementias
- Spasticity
- Brain vascular diseases
- Migraine and other headaches
- Epilepsy
- Botulinum toxin application in dystonia
- Botulinum toxin application in spasticity
- Botulinum toxin application in migraine headache
- Bachelor of Medicine Ankara University 1988-1994
- Medical Specialization Neurology Ankara University Faculty of Medicine 1995-2000
- Associate Professorship Neurology Cumhuriyet University Faculty of Medicine 09/10/ 2013
- General Practitioner Ankara Yenimahalle Health Center 1994-1995
- Research Assistant Ankara University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Neurology 1995-2000
- Specialist Dr. Sevgi Milennium Hospital 2000-2001
- Specialist Dr. Deda Brain Spinal Cord Diseases Center 2001-2002
- Specialist Dr. Pamukkale University Faculty of Medicine 2002-2003
- Specialist Dr Sivas Numune Hospital 2003-2007
- Specialist Dr. Private Sivas Anadolu Hospital 2007-2009
- Asst. Assoc. Dr. Department of Neurology, Cumhuriyet University Faculty of Medicine, Sivas 2009-2013
- Assoc Prof Dr Neurology Department AD, Cumhuriyet University Faculty of Medicine, Sivas October 2013- October 2016
- Assoc Prof Dr Medicana Sivas Hospital- March 2017-June 2020
- Assoc Prof Dr Medicana International Ankara Hospital August 2020-
1. Gökçe ŞF, Çiğdem B, Nemnezi-Karaca S, Bolayır A, Kayım-Yıldız Ö, Topaktaş AS, Balaban H. Prevalence of multiple sclerosis in an urban population of Sivas province in Turkey.Turk J Med Sci. 2019; 49(1): 288–294.
2. Muhittin C. Akbostanci, Ece Bayram, Volkan Yilmaz, Sefer Rzayev, Serhat Özkan, Ayse Bora Tokcaer, Esen Saka, Fatma N. Durmaz Celik, Banu Özen Barut, Zeynep Tüfekcioglu, Ahmet Acarer, Hatice Balaban, Sevda Erer, Okan Dogu, Seda Kibaroglu, Nursel Aydin, Hasmet Hanagasi, Bülent Elibol, Murat Emre, Glenn T. Stebbins, Christopher G. Goetz
Turkish Standardization of Movement Disorders Society Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale and Unified Dyskinesia Rating Scale. Mov Disord Clin Pract. 2018 Jan-Feb; 5(1): 54–59
3. Yılmaz S, Çiğdem B, Gökçe ŞF, Ceyhan-Doğan S, Balaban H. Severity and frequency of restless legs syndrome in patients with familial Mediterranean fever
J Int Med Res. 2017 Aug; 45(4): 1340–1346
4. Bayrakli F, Canpolat M, Per H, Gumus H, Kumandas S, Kartal U, Balaban H. A
Family with Mental Retardation, Epilepsy and Cerebellar Hypoplasia Showing
Linkage to Chromosome 20p11.21-q11.23. Case Rep Neurol. 2014 Jan 23;6(1):18-22.
5. Bayrakli F, Balaban H, Gurelik M, Hizmetli S, Topaktas S. Mutation in the
HTRA1 gene in a patient with degenerated spine as a component of CARASIL
syndrome. Turk Neurosurg. 2014;24(1):67-9.
6. Semiz M, Şentürk IA, Balaban H, Yağız AK, Kavakçı Ö. Prevalence of migraine
and co-morbid psychiatric disorders among students of Cumhuriyet University. J
Headache Pain. 2013 Apr 11;14(1):34.
7. Bayrakli F, Guclu B, Yakicier C, Balaban H, Kartal U, Erguner B, Sagiroglu MS,
Yuksel S, Ozturk AR, Kazanci B, Ozum U, Kars HZ. Mutation in MEOX1 gene causes a
recessive Klippel-Feil syndrome subtype. BMC Genet. 2013 28;14(1):95.
8. Balaban H, Bayrakli F, Kartal U, Pinarbasi E, Topaktas S, Kars HZ. A Novel Locus for Restless Legs Syndrome on Chromosome 13q. Eur Neurol. 2012 10; 68(2): 111-116.
9. Balaban H, Yıldız OK, Cil G, Sentürk IA, Erselcan T, Bolayır E, Topaktaş S. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels in restless legs syndrome patients. Sleep Med. 2012; 13(7): 953-7.
10. Balaban H, Semiz M, Sentürk IA, Kavakçı O, Cınar Z, Dikici A, Topaktaş S. Migraine prevalence, alexithymia, and post-traumatic stress disorder among medical students in Turkey. J Headache Pain. 2012; 13(6): 459-67.
11. Bayrakli F, Balaban H, Ozum U, Duger C, Topaktas S, Kars HZ. Etanercept treatment enhances clinical and neuroelectrophysiological recovery in partial spinal cord injury. Eur Spine J. 2012; 21(12):2588-93.
12. Özüm U, Akyol M, Balaban H, Ozdemir E, Soydan S. Effect of cervical spinal cord electrical stimulation on nitric oxide levels in brain and dermal tissues: an evaluation using by real-time nitric oxide measurement. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2012; 154(9): 1641-6.
13. Balaban H, Altuntaş EE, Uysal IO, Sentürk IA, Topaktaş S. Audio-vestibular evaluation in patients with essential tremor. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2012; 269(6): 1577-81.
14. Balaban H, Şentürk IA, Yildiz ÖK, Bolayir E, Topaktaş S. The role of event-related potentials in subclinical cognitive dysfunction in essential tremor. J Clin Neurophysiol. 2012; 29(1): 65-9.
15. Polat K, Altuntaş EE, Durmuş K, Özüm Ü, Balaban H, Müderris S. Presentation of the cerebeller abcess and sigmoid sinus septic thrombosis secondary to chronic otitis media: Case presentation and literature review. Indian Journal of Otology. 2011; 17 (3): 132-134.
16. Altuntaş E, Balaban H, Uysal İÖ, Akın PZ. The effect of pentoxiphylline, a non-spesific phospodiesterase inhibitor, on angiogenesis in chicken chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) model. HealthMed. 2011; 5(6): 1841-1846.
17. Özüm Ü, Balaban H, Yapışlar H, Topaktaş S. Effects of magnetic stimulation of cervical spinal cord on main cerebral arterial blood flow. HealthMed. 2011; 5(6): 1993-1999.
18. Kayım-Yıldız Ö, Balaban H, Şenel S. Anti-aquaporin-4 antibody positive relapsing neuromyelitis optica in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus. Journal of Neurological Sciences [Turkish]. 2011; 28(3): 376-379.
19. Yildiz OK, Balaban H, Senel S, Cevik S. Acute lumbosacral polyradiculoneuropathy heralding transformation to systemic lupus erythematosus in a patient with discoid lupus. Lupus. 2011; 20(9): 972-4.
20. Salk I, Sabuncuoğulları V, Çetin A, Balaban H, Kelkit S. Value of findings of diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging in patients with lumber disc degeneration. Pak J Med Sci. 2011; 27 (2): 261-4.
21. Yıldız OK, Balaban H, Özdemir S, Bolayır E, Topaktas S. Anti-GQ1b-Negative Miller Fisher Syndrome with Acute Areflexic Mydriasis and Cholinergic Supersensitivity. Neuro-ophthalmology. 2011; 35(1): 40–42.
22. Balaban H, Yildiz OK, Eliaçik S, Bolayir E, Topaktaş S. A case with a rare type of trigemino-oculomotor synkinesis: clinical and blink reflex study. Acta Neurol Belg. 2010; 110(4): 337-9.
23. Yildiz OK, Balaban H, Cil G, Oztoprak I, Bolayir E, Topaktas S. Isolated cortical vein thrombosis after epidural anesthesia: report of three cases. Int J Neurosci. 2010; 120(6):447-50.
24. Kadayifçilar S, Gedik S, Eldem B, Balaban H, Kansu T. Panuveitis associated with multiple sclerosis complicated by cerebral venous thrombosis. Ocul Immunol Inflamm. 2004; 12(2): 153-7.
25. Balaban H, Sener HO, Erden I, Cağlar S, Sahin A, Yücemen N. Multiple spinal intramedullary cavernous angioma: case report. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 200; 103(2): 120-2.
26. Sener HO, Taşcilar NF, Balaban H, Selçuki D. Sympathetic skin response in carpal tunnel syndrome. Clin Neurophysiol. 2000 Aug;111(8):1395-9.
27. Akbostanci MC, Atbaşoğlu EC, Balaban H. Tardive dyskinesia, mild drug-induced dyskinesia, and drug-induced parkinsonism: risk factors and topographic distribution. Acta Neurol Belg. 1999; 99(3): 176-81.
- Turkish Medical Association
- Turkish Neurology Association
- National Parkinson and Movement Disorders Congress: The value of auditory event-related potentials in subclinical cognitive impairment accompanying essential tremor: 2nd prize for oral presentation.
- Cumhuriyet University: Certificate of Appreciation.
- Ankara University Faculty of Medicine Department of Physiology Active Education Group: Physiology of fear study: Incentive award.